--->Chic-a Cherry University
Literature I: Savage Garden Fanfiction
I don't know who wrote this, but they definetly won the prize of it being my favorite fanfic. Picture Darren and Daniel as you read it and I'll guarantee you'll nearly fall out of your chair... more than once!
The Vampire Legume
by Jess (*****)
A hilareous parody of the usual "SG becomes vampires" fanfic... Dan becomes a... *dum da da dum* vegepire!! Oh no! What happens next?
Read the Vegepire Chronicles: Interview With the Vegepire (***); Peach of the Damned (-)
History Rewinding
by Annie (****½)
What would happen if Darren and Daniel were in high school together? Taking place a few years before Darren and Daniel really met, this tale beautifully ties up some unexplainable loose ends in SG history... and is sure to leave you spellbound.
by Cyan Hayes (****)
The secret lives of Darren and Daniel before SG... just kidding. The title says it all: Darren's girlfriend is perfect; then she tries change her perfect reputation. But when she goes a little too far...
Just a Kiss Divine
by Sunhawk (***½)
When Darren notices that a mystical woman is stalking him, what he learns about himself changes him forever....
Read the sequel: Garden Gone Rampant (***½)
Truly, Madly, Deeply
by Cerasi J. (***)
Just a sappy little love story starring Daniel.
Sway Your Mind
by Jess (***)
Thank goodness the balcony was right over the pool :)
A Savage Sunday
by Jess (***)
He thought it was a just a freaky dream. But when Darren woke up, to his horror... he was trapped in Daniel's body! And if Daniel is trapped in his, how can they fix it before it becomes a serious mess?
ZED and Savage Garden
by Kirsty (-)
The first ZED/SG fanfic takes you on a ride with the New Zealand band, Daz, and Dan.
Star ratings are done by my personal opinion, on a scale of one (*) to five (*****). If there is no rating, then the story is not completed. I'm far from a literary critic-- so please realize that all are good stories to read and you might have a different opinion!
This page doesn't exist without your help! If you'd like to add your Savage Garden fanfic to this page, e-mail me with the fanfic or address (URL), the title, your name/nickname, and a short intro summary at fireinsidetheman@hotmail.com.

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