--->Chic-a Cherry University
Literature I: Savage Garden Fanfiction
ZED and Savage Garden
by Kirsty
Part I
"Kirsty," Nathan (King) tapped me on the shoulder gently.
"Yeah," I replied. I was tired and I'd almost fallen asleep on his shoulder. It was almost 11pm and I'd been there for hours for ZED's recording session for their latest single. I had become a interviewer for the day, observing and taking photos of the recording process. However, I was not complaining, because it was great and I got a few days off school plus I got to go to Australia.
I really liked the ZED guys especially Nathan, who was a total sweetie. Ben (Campbell) walked over to me and Nathan and he said "Hey Nath. Kirsty. We're gonna stay here for a bit longer. This other band is here and I want to meet them."
"Who are they?" Nathan asked in between a huge yawn. He looked tired and he had a bit of the flu. I guess he really just wanted to get back to the hotel.
At that moment I heard a familiar voice ask, "If there was any coffee around?" I turned around to find Darren standing there talking to Andy (Lynch). Andy replied, "Yeah, that stuff's been keeping us up, thank God for coffee 'cause otherwise the whole band would be fast asleep."
I walked over to Darren and Andy, and Andy pointed to me and said, "This is Kirsty. She's doing this thing for some magazine about us."
I laughed at Andy and said, "Nice explanation, Andy."
Darren shook my hand and smiled at me. He then yelled, "Dan, Ben come in here. They aren't gonna bite!"
Daniel walked in and he looked kind of tired. He was taller than I expected and Andy looked real short compared to him. Dan smiled at me and said hi.
Then Ben ran in and he seemed really hyper. He ran over to Darren, Andy, Dan and I. He introduced himself to me and Andy and then he turned to Andy and said, "So you are the guitarist?"
Andy nodded. He then started to make some coffee for Darren.
Dan walked around the studio and sat down next to Nathan, Nath shook Dan's hand and said "Hi, I'm Nathan, the lead singer."
Dan smiled and said, "Cool. So what are you doing here? I heard you're from New Zealand?"
"Yeah, we are. Me, Ben, and Adrian are from Christchurch, and Andy's from Auckland."
"Christchurch aye. We played a great show there a couple of years ago. Great crowd."
I didn't realize I was staring, well, practically drooling over Dan and he asked me where I was from.
"Greymouth," I replied, "Its about 3 to 4 hours away from Christchurch."
Nathan checked his watch, "Its 12:30. We'd better get going."
I got up and then I thought "I won't get to see the Savage Garden guys again..."
Then, as if Dan read my mind, he asked, "Hey, if you guys aren't doing anything tomorrow, then we can do something?"
"That'll be great. Just come by the studio after lunch because we're going to record the final good version of the song."
"Hey," I'd just realized something, "Where's Age?"
Nathan then said, "You're right, He's been missing for a while. Where is he?"
Dan then moved a few cushions from the floor and said, "Would this happen to be him?", and pointed to Adrian (Palmer) fast asleep on the floor with Sparky (ZED's mascot, an inflatable dog) in his arms.
"Oh my god!" I started to laugh but then Nathan said, "Shhhh. Lets take a photo!"
I took my camera out of my bag and took a few photos of Age sleeping. Then I beckoned everyone to come over. "Lets sit on him," I laughed quietly and pointed to Age.
Darren smiled evilly and Ben said, "Oh no. Darren is a bit of a prankster."
First, Andy sat on Age's legs, followed by me who sat on his feet, then Ben (Campbell), Ben, Darren, and Dan who just tried to wake him up. Age's eyes fluttered and he said, "What is happening? Who are you and WHY are you sitting on me?!"
We all laughed and helped Age up.
Andy then said, "C'mon lets go. Before the hotel gives our rooms to someone else."
We went over to Dan, Ben and Darren. The ZED guys shook hands with the SG guys and then waited to see what I was gonna do. I thought, "Hey you only live once," and asked for a hug. I guess I was more than happy when they said yes. Then Nathan said, "How did I know she was gonna ask for a hug?"
I gave Nath a look and he said, "You go girl!" I just laughed at Nath.
I gave Ben a hug first and thought, "Wow is Ben nice or what?"
Then I gave Darren a hug and thought to myself, "Awww he's so cuddly, like Nathan!"
Then I went up to Dan and I was worried I was gonna do something real stupid and humiliate myself but everything went fine and Dan was so darn sweet!
We then waved goodnight and I went back to my hotel room.
I woke up next morning with a huge smile on my face. We were first going to the studio to record and then we were going to do something with the Savage guys. I got up, had a shower and then ate breakfast and then I went to go see if the ZED guys were up. They were and so we set off the studio. We were surprised to see that there was someone waiting at the studio for us: Dan! It was just Dan, and Dan told us that the others wanted to sleep in and would see us around lunchtime. While the ZED guys got set up, Dan and I started talking about ZED. Dan said they reminded him of what it was like to record an album. He sighed, "Sometimes I miss recording." He then brightened up and said, "I love working with new bands though. If these guys didn't have a label I would snap them up in a second!"
I laughed and said, "But they do and they are doing really well. Especially since Andy joined."
"So Andy's 'new'?"
"Sort of. He only joined this year. He's very popular with girls though."
Dan laughed, "I guessed that. I can imagine all these girls screaming for him."
We then heard Andy and Ben warming up. Ben joked with Andy, "Oh you rock Just Juice Boy!"
"NEVER call me Just Juice Boy!"
Dan looked amused, "Just Juice Boy?"
I laughed, "Yeah, Andy was on the Just Juice ad. Its sort of his past embarrassment."
Ben said, "Yeah. We saw the ad and thought lets put him in our band!"
"But Ben you can't talk, Oaty Boy", I teased.
"He was in the Oaty bar ad. His only line was 'Oaty'," Andy pointed at Ben, laughing.
Dan wouldn't stop laughing. He looked so cute when he laughed. "Just Juice Boy? Oaty Bar Boy? You guys crack me up."
Age then yelled out, "OK guys enough with the jokes. Its time to record!"
"Yahoo," Dan said sarcastically, "no, really, I wanna hear your stuff, Oaty Bar Boy and Just Juice Boy!"
"And Nath and Age?" I added.
"Yea, Nath and Age too."
The ZED guys got down to business and Dan and I listened for a while. I kept thinking how sweet Dan was. He was real funny and cool too!
After the ZED guys had finished Dan said, "That was great! You guys are really talented!"
"Did you get some photos Kirsty?," Nath asked.
"Yeah," I replied pointing to my trusty camera.
"Well, we should get going. Go get something to eat," Dan said.
"Great," I replied smiling at Dan. It was going to be a great day!
Part II - Restaurant Riot
Me, Dan and the ZED guys walked out to the van the ZED guys had hired. Andy jumped in the "driver’s side" (its the name of one of ZED’s songs, lol) and Ben in the passengers seat. Me, Nath, Age and Dan sat in the back. Age sat by himself in the very back and had a little nap.
I sat between Nath and Dan (*sigh* ) and Dan asked Nath how the new song he was writing was going. Nath passed over his notebook to Dan, stretching over me in the process, Dan reached out to get the notebook and I was stuck there trying to not say something stupid. I managed and Dan tapped Andy on the shoulder, "Hey Just Juice Boy. Know where we are going?"
"No, hey don’t call me Just Juice Boy, Savage boy," Andy was trying to get back at Dan.
"Savage Boy? Is that the best you can do?" Dan teased back.
"Please be quiet," I said, "Age is trying to sleep."
"What does that guy do at night? Doesn’t he sleep?" Dan asked Ben who looked quite amused.
Ben laughed, "Tell him that when he wakes up."
"Getting back on track, I said I’d meet the others at this pizza restaurant." Dan started giving Andy directions on how to get there.
"Cool. We like pizza."
We were on our way and I started talking with Nath about my school and how much I hated it. Nath laughed and said, "Well I was head boy at our school, I went to school with Ben and Age."
"Oh you pritz," Andy teased.
Age mumbled something.
"What did you say Age," Dan asked. Then he started laughing.
"Well, I think we’re there," Andy had stopped the car and we were outside this cool looking pizza place.
"Yup," Dan said, "We’re there."
"But Age is still sleeping," I pointed out.
"Right, he is too, that’s easily fixed," Andy grinned evilly. He picked up a nearby drumstick and threw it at Age. It hit Age in the back, Age woke up immediately.
"What is going on," Age looked up at Andy who grinned evilly.
"We are here, Age," Dan helped Age up, "Don’t mind Andy, the little smart ass."
"What did you call me, savage boy?" Andy pulled a face at Dan.
"Nothing," Dan laughed.
We stepped out of the van and walked in the door of the restaurant. There was Ben and Darren. Dan waved at them and we went to sit next to them. "Hi. How did the recording go?" Darren asked Age who was still tired.
"Fine, it was great," Age yawned.
"What’s up with you? You look really tired," Ben looked sympathetically at Age.
"Well... Andy just woke me up by throwing a drumstick at me," Age glared at Andy.
"Really? Sounds like something Darren might do," Ben laughed at Darren.
"What are you all having?" Darren asked us.
We told him what we wanted and I went up to the counter and ordered. I told the others that the pizza would be about 15 minutes.
When it was time to get the pizza Ben went up to get it. He was on the way back to our table and then he wasn’t watching where he was going and bumped into this girl, knocking her tray to the floor.
"Oh, I’m so sorry," Ben apologized picking her up, "Are you OK?"
"Yeah," she replied.
"Look, you can have some pizza with us, since I ruined your meal," Ben smiled at her.
Ben sat down and she sat next to him. Ben handed out our plates to us and we started eating.
"What’s your name?" Ben asked the girl, "I haven’t even told you my name."
"Well my name’s Georgie," she smiled at Ben.
"I’m Ben. And this is Darren, Daniel, Age, Nathan, Ben, Andy and Kirsty," he pointed us out to Georgie.
"Hi," we said.
"Kirsty, do I know you?"
"I’m not sure. I think I might."
Georgie smiled at Ben and I said, "Yes, I DO know you. From the club and the BBS!"
Darren laughed, "You BBSers sure know each other well."
"Hey Georgie, this is the ZED guys," I never thought I’d be introducing the ZED guys to anyone.
Georgie looked at ZED and said, "Kirsty tells me you guys are really good, when will I hear any of your stuff?"
"Well if you like, we can give you a copy of our album. Our single is coming out here in a few weeks", Andy grinned at Georgie.
"Sure, I mean if that’s OK with you," Georgie looked over to me and mouthed, Oh my god, Andy is grinning at me and I’m sitting next to Ben Carey!
"Darren, call Andy Just Juice Boy and call Ben Oaty Bar Boy," Dan looked devilishly over at Andy.
"Why are you calling me, Oaty Bar Boy?" Ben asked, looking confused.
"Not you Ben, the other Ben!"
"Him," I pointed at Ben Campbell who was looking embarrassed, "his name is Ben too! And he’s Oaty Bar Boy coz he was in the Oaty Bar ad," I laughed.
"And now Age will tell you why Andy is called Just Juice Boy", Dan grinned. He was looking forward to getting Andy back and he knew Age was still mad about the drumsticks.
"Oh no," Andy looked over at a smug Age who was laughing with Dan.
"He’s called Just Juice Boy coz he was in the Just Juice Ad!"
"How cute," Georgie laughed and then said to Andy, "Are Dan and Age picking on you?"
"Yes," Andy pretended to look sad although he was laughing.
"Don’t worry man," Ben said to Andy, "We’ll get them back!"
Nath smiled at me and I was melting. "Damn", I thought to myself, "He is too cute!"
Darren (I just realised not much has happened with Darren) who had been sitting silent for a while suddenly jumped out of his seat.
"What?" We all jumped up except for Andy and Ben.
"What’s wrong Darren?" Ben Campbell asked.
"Something fell on me," Darren looked puzzled.
Then Age yelled, "Hey, something fell on me too!"
"What was it?", Andy asked trying not to giggle.
"This," Darren wiped something off his hair that looked like slime (no it isn’t what you may think it is. You sick people! J/K)
We all looked at Darren and then we heard muffled laughter. Which soon grew to fits of laughter. We turned around to see a laughing Ben and Andy holding a tub each of novelty slime. We also noticed that they had spoons in their hands.
"The terrible two," Dan pointed to Andy and Ben who were aiming 2 spoonfuls of slime at him.
"You dare, you die," Dan glared at ‘the terrible two.’
"Ya gotta catch us first," Ben and Andy fired the slime, one hitting Dan in the face and a spoonful of slime landed in his hair.
"Why you little..." Dan got up, and completely unaware of the staring people, chased Ben and Andy around the restaurant until he ran into a waiter, knocking plates to the ground. "Sorry!" Dan started to pick up the plates. Then Andy came up behind him and dumped slime into his hair. "Andy. I’m gonna kick your ass!" Dan jumped up and ran after Andy. He was running so fast in such a small place that he ran into a table. "Arrrgggh. Oww Oww OWW!" Dan looked in a lot of pain. He then made things worse by losing his balance and falling on to the table sending it crashing to the floor!
The manager then heard all the commotion and ran out into the dining area. He was quite shocked to find Dan lying in a mess of broken plates, and wood on the ground. "What happened?!" the manager looked like he was going to have a fit. His eyes bulged and he gritted his teeth.
"He looks like the incredible hulk," Georgie laughed quietly. Ben and Andy looked like they wanted to escape.
"Well Sir. I wasn’t watching where I was going," Dan looked up at the manager glaring down at him.
"My poor restaurant. Look what you have done!!"
"To tell you the truth only a few things are broken and they can easily be replaced," I felt sorry for Dan and thought I should defend him.
"Shut up! I expect you will pay full replacement for these items!" the manager was still blaming Dan.
Ben and Andy then stepped forward, "Actually it was our fault. We were teasing Dan and then he chased us."
The manager then walked over to Andy and looked down at him. Andy gulped. He then lifted Andy up by his shirt. "You are an immature idiot. You stupid New Zealanders, you can’t even play sport!" The manager was getting furious.
"Leave New Zealanders alone!" Darren got up and walked over to the manager.
"Uh Darren, nice to see you", the manager didn’t know these were Darren’s friends.
"You picking on my mate Andy?"
"Is this Andy?"
"Oh, sorry..."
Darren then walked over to Dan who was still lying on the floor in pain. "You OK, Dan?"
"I think so," Dan reached out his hand and Darren helped him up.
"Now I’ll pay for the damages. We are gonna leave now." Darren looked the manager in the eye.
"Don’t worry about it," the manager didn’t want to annoy Darren. Darren was his best customer (when Darren was in Australia).
"Thank you for a great meal," Darren smiled as we all walked out the door.
"Oh god," I exclaimed, "I thought he was gonna kill you Andy!"
"Yeah," Andy shook at the thought, "I’m sorry about the whole slime incident."
"I am too," Ben said quietly.
"Don’t worry about it. You are supposed to enjoy yourselves," Darren smiled, "Though that usually doesn’t involve wrecking a restaurant!"
Georgie added, "It was pretty funny. The look on that guy's face."
"Yeah," Dan laughed. He was still sore but he could still move and he was feeling mostly all right. "So where to now?"
more to come!

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