--->Chic-a Cherry University
Literature I: Savage Garden Fanfiction
by Cyan Hayes
Dedicated to All SG Fans
Darren Hayes sat at his ancient computer typing his report for creative writing class. If he weren't so cheap he'd buy a new computer. His report was supposed to be on great authors. The teacher assigned each student an author. Darren got stuck with writing about William Shakespeare. Darren cursed his computer as it slowly searched for articles. Darren opened his file with the report on it. On the report he had typed: William Shakespeare. Darren was stuck. This was a first for him. He saved some articles and turned off his computer. He thought it would be best if he didn't try to think too hard. Darren threw himself onto his bed and pulled a green notebook from beneath his pillow. He opened it to a clean page and began to write:
I have to do a report on William Shakespeare. Everybody else in the class gets to do easier people write about simpler topics. No one but me has to write about anyone this old and ancient! Some people get to write about interesting writers like Edgar Allan Poe. He's weird, but he is more interesting than Willam Shakespeare is. Today in that same class I was talking to this new guy named Lee or something like that and he says he is going to put together a band. I might go to the auditions, who knows? Sky thinks that Rock bands are dumb, but who really cares what she thinks? Colby says I should care what my girlfriend thinks. Yeah I should, but I should do what I like too. Oh gotta go, dorm-mates are here. Later Darren
Darren stuffed his notebook under his pillow. Soon two guys walked in the room. Darren sighed. It was Daniel and Marshall. Of all the guys in the college why did he have to be stuck with Freshmen, Marshall Marthers, and Sophomore, Daniel Jones. Darren did have to admit that he'd grown to love the guys, in a way.
"Hey, D," Marshall said drunkenly, "You should've went out with us." "Yeah it was so much fun," Daniel agreed.
Daniel and Marshall sat down on their beds, across from Darren's.
"I wish I could have gone you guys," Darren lied, "But you know this paper I have is due soon so..." Marshall nodded, "Sure Darren."
"Mr.Party Pooper," Daniel said, "You don't have to turn that report in for almost a week and a half."
Darren sighed, Daniel was right, "Well I wanted to get a headstart."
"Darren, admit it," Marshall said, "You are just too whipped to do anything with the guys. She's got you wrapped around her finger.
Daniel laughed. He laid back on his bed, "You had me wrapped around your finger, but did you have to let it linger," Daniel sang.
Darren sucked his teeth, "Like you've had enough women to know what that even means."
Daniel sat up, "Then why the hell is every girl on campus crazy about me then?"
Marshall laughed, "They aren't crazy about you. It's me they're ga-ga over."
Darren shook his head. They were ridiculous. He could smell the beer on them. They'd be in serious trouble if the dean caught them. They were both underage. Daniel was only 20 and Marshall was 18, one of the youngest students at Pentech University.
"Oh look what I got," Marshall said pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket, "I got a girls number." "Name?" Daniel asked sitting up. "It's something exotic like Skylar or something," Marshall said glimpsing at Darren who'd snatched the strip of paper from Marshall.
"This is my girlfriend's number!" Darren yelled.
"Oh well I didn't see no ring on her finger," Marshall said.
Daniel was laughing his head off as Darren starred at the paper in disbelief.
"I guess she thinks of herself as a free woman," Daniel laughed.
"Are you two having an open relationship?" Marshall asked laughing.
Darren balled up the paper and tossed it in the wastebasket. "Hey I was gonna call her!" Marshall said.
"You know she's my girlfriend, why would you do that?" Darren asked.
"Duh, because she's hot, Marshall said.
"And the only girl who would ever come on to him!" Daniel snorted.
"Ha look who's talking. Mr. Big Man on Campus can't keep a girl for a week," Marshall retorted.
Darren picked up the phone to call Sky while Daniel and Marshall argued over who could get more women.
"Hello?" A girl answered the phone.
"Hi is Sky there?" Darren asked.
"Um...Hi Darren," The girl stuttered.
"Hi, who is this? Tina?" Darren asked.
"Yeah," Tina said, "How are you? Do you know when that paper is due?"
"Um I'm fine and the paper is due next week on Thursday. Is Sky there or what, you're avoiding the question?" Darren said.
"Oh she just stepped out," Tina lied. Sky had just gotten home, but was too sick to come to the phone. Sky was laying on the couch sick from drinking too much at the club.
"Okay, tell her I called, thanks," Darren said and hung up the phone. He just had to find out what was up with Sky. She couldn't have just stepped out.
At Sky's dorm Tina and Jessica were helping Sky to her bed. She had just thrown up again. Sky's head was pounding and her breathing was unbearable. She wondered what she did that night. She couldn't even remember. "Well," she thought to herself, "this is just pleasant." Sky had been trying to impress Jessica and Tina by going out. Jessica and Sky were arguing and Jessica said that Sky couldn't party if her life depended on it. To show Jessica that she was wrong, Sky went out with her and two other friends and "lived it up".
Tina sat by Sky's bed and was talking to her. "That was Darren," Tina said.
"I know," Sky managed to croak out.
"Well he said to call," Tina said.
Jessica came into the room with a beer can in her hand. She took a sip and laughed. "You look so f**ked up," Jessica laughed.
"Shut up," Sky said, "This is your fault."
"My fault!" Jessica screeched, "You're the one who did this just to show me up. It's not my fault, not everyone can be a party person.
"This is so your fault," Sky said, "If you hadn't..."
"Oh don't even start with me Miss goody-goody," Jessica raged, "Just because you can't handle a few drinks..."
"A few?" Sky asked angrily, "You are the one who kept handing them to me! And then saying here Sky drink up!"
Tina sighed. Sky and Jessica always were arguing. Jessica, the party girl, who always was out, didn't understand Sky's need to be well...perfect. Jessica had black hair that would never stay put, green eyes that sparkled like stars, a smile that always looked like a smirk, and she was wild. Sky had cropped blondish-red hair, which was always perfect no matter what time of the day, she had big brown eyes and her smile was like a girl off of a toothpaste commercial, too perfect to believe. Tina was a mixture of both of these girls. With her dark brown hair, and silvery gray eyes, Tina was the middle child in a way. Tina would party, but not as hard as Jessica and she knew when too much was too much.
"Did I do anything stupid?" Sky asked.
"I don't know. What would you call stupid?" Jessica asked, "I mean aren't there different standards for smart a**es?"
"No. Something stupid is anything you would do," Sky said.
"Just because you are so hung over doesn't mean I can't come over there and smack you," Jessica said.
"And just try me," Sky said.
"Guys," Tina yelled, "Shut-up. I am so sick of having to be the freaking peace-maker around here. You two get along or...get out!"
"Sorry," Sky said.
"Well I'm not. No one is going to throw me out of my dorm room on account of this snobby brat," Jessica said waving her beer can toward Sky. Jessica stood by the door, "And by the way, Sky, you did something I would never have thought you would even think of doing."
Jessica slammed the door shut and shook the dorm room.
Darren hurried to his History class, which was near the dorms. He had to get there early and talk to Sky. He hadn't talked to her the whole weekend. He got to his seat and next to him sat Sky.
"Hey Sky," Darren said kissing her on the cheek.
"Hi sweetie," Sky said.
"I have to ask you a question, did you go out the other night?" Darren asked.
"Yeah, why?" Sky said.
"Well Marshall came back the other night and had your number of a piece of paper. He said you gave it to him," Darren said.
"What?" Sky asked incredulously, "I gave my number to him?"
"Yeah. I even saw it with my own eyes. I know Marshall didn't write it. He doesn't have your number. Well until then he didn't have it," Darren said.
"Oh man," Sky said.
"Oh man? What does that mean?" Darren asked.
Before Sky could answer him the teacher, Mrs. Jenkins, came into the room and told everyone to be quiet. After class was over Darren tried to talk to Sky again. "Sky? What did you mean by that 'Oh man', thing?" Darren asked.
"Um...nothing," Sky lied.
"I can tell you're lying Sky. Did you or did you not give Marshall your phone number?" Darren asked.
"Yeah, but I was really out of it and..." Sky began.
"What do you mean out of it? You were drinking?" asked Darren.
"Kind of, but I was just..." Sky started.
Darren didn't feel like hearing excuses, "So to sum this all up, you went to a club, got drunk and then gave out your number?"
They were now walking towards Sky's Math class, which was next door to Darren's Science class. "Yes...and no. That girl, Jessica, kept bugging me and saying how I was too goody-goody to go to a club. So I thought I would just go to a club, you know. Then I got drunk. I don't remember a lot of what happened. I went back to the dorm and I had this major hangover. Then you called and..." Sky explained.
Darren cut her off, "You were there when I called?"
"Well technically, yes. But I was..." Sky began.
"You told Tina to lie to me and say that you weren't there so I wouldn't get suspicious. All you had to do was tell me that you were hung over. You didn't have to lie to me," Darren said.
"I'm sorry, okay. I didn't know if you would get mad or not. I didn't want you holding that over my head either," Sky said.
"Well I guess that's okay as long as you weren't deliberately giving out your number and flirting with guys," Darren said, "I thought you said you didn't drink?"
"I don't. Jessica kept giving my cups and I didn't know what was in them until like my third one in," Sky said.
"You don't know what beer smells like?" Darren asked.
"Of course I do, I was just nervous about being out and stuff. I was worried that I wouldn't get any work done," Sky said.
They stopped in front of her building. "See you later, babe," Darren said.
"See you," Sky waved.
Darren walked into his Science class. Everyone was there including Daniel and Marshall. They may have been drunks, but they were very good in school. Darren didn't see how they did it. Daniel and Marshall would stay out all night, partying, getting drunk, and still keep their grades above average. Daniel was even on the soccer team. Darren didn't know how he went to all the practices, if he was always out. Darren sat down near Daniel and Marshall.
"Hey it's the major," Marshall said.
Daniel and Marshall came to sit next to Darren. Darren rolled his eyes.
"There is a reason why I try not to sit too close to you two," Darren said, "Don't be goofing off while you sit next to me."
"Yes sir, major whipped sir," Daniel laughed.
The professor walked in and immediately began to take attendance. He asked for their homework and then began the lesson.
"Hey, remember that movie, 'the water guy'?" Marshall asked.
"It's called 'The WaterBoy', dummy," Daniel said.
"Whatever. This reminds me of it. We are in that chapter about the animals you know. Is something wrong with your medulla oblongota?" Marshall asked.
"Shut-up, Marshall. You are so stupid," Daniel said, "But Mr.Fif does look like Colonial Sanders." Darren couldn't help but laugh.
"Go colonial, go colonial," Daniel chanted. By now both Marshall and Darren were laughing.
"Excuse me, Mr. Hayes, Mr.Marthers, is there a reason why you feel the need to interrupt my lecture?" Mr.Fif asked. Marshall and Darren shook their heads no. Daniel laughed at them. "Mr. Jones, is there something you would like to add?" Mr.Fif asked.
"No colonial Sanders," Daniel said then covered his mouth, "did I just say that out loud?" Everyone in the class was laughing and starring at Daniel. "Oh no I did," Daniel thought.
"I will not tolerate this kind of disrespect, you three get out now. Come back when you can learn to be respectful," Mr.Fif pointed to the door.
They all stood up. Darren elbowed Daniel in the side. The three guys left out of the door. "I can't believe you Daniel!" Darren yelled, "How could you get me into trouble with a teacher?"
"I didn't do it, you laughed on your own. I never said to laugh at my corny jokes," Daniel said, "Besides now we have a free hour."
Marshall nodded, "I have two free hours. Let's go get some beer."
"How did I know you were going to say that?" Darren asked sarcastically.
"Maybe because you know I like to drink," Marshall said.
"I was being sarcastic," Darren said rolling his eyes.
"Well I'm not going to get any drinks right now. Let's just go back to the dorms," Daniel said, "We can take my jeep."
Darren and Marshall followed Daniel to his red jeep. They climbed in. Daniel let down the top of the jeep.
"I've never been in the backseat of a jeep before," Darren said, Realizing his mistake as soon as he said it.
"Well, that's obvious Major," Marshall said.
"First time, eh?" Daniel laughed, "It gets better. Maybe next time I'll play some music for you."
Marshall laughed, "You like U2? There's some good make out music."
Darren just kept his mouth shut. Marshall and Daniel always were picking on him. They got to the dorms. They all got out of the jeep and headed towards the building.
"You know what? I think I want to go out for a fraternity," Daniel said.
"I was thinking about that too," Marshall said.
"Yeah, you two could definitely win those drinking contests they have," Darren agreed, "You know when the loser passes out.. Then I could have my own dorm room."
"Very funny, Major," Marshall said, "You're just jealous because you'd never get into a fraternity."
"I don't think I'd want to," Darren said.
"Why not? Sky doesn't like fraternities?" Daniel teased.
"No. Sky is in a sorority, so that has nothing to do with it. I just wouldn't go around making an a** of myself so I can get into a club," Darren said.
"Yeah, you already make an a** of yourself. Why get anything from it?" Marshall said shaking his head, "Like I said before Major, you're just a party-pooper, whose wrapped around his girl's finger."
Daniel shook his head, "Well if Darren has principles, I guess we'll just have to respect them."
Marshall laughed, "Oh, yeah, that's a good one. Respect the Major? I don't think so. Any guy whose hair is that long doesn't deserve respect."
"Hey I really don't like being ridiculed by drunks," Darren said.
Daniel laughed, "Oh right you only date drunks."
Darren stomped off past Daniel to the little cafe that was next to the dorms. Daniel and Marshall looked at each other and shrugged.
"Aww we hurt his feelings," Marshall said in a semi-baby voice.
"We were kind of rude. I mean we make fun of Darren all the time," Daniel said.
Daniel and Marshall entered their dorm. "Major needs to be made fun of. He can't talk bad about us and get away with it. He thinks he's the stuff and he's not," Marshall said.
"Marshall what in the heck are you talking about?" Daniel asked, "Darren is our friend and we shouldn't bug him, well not that much anyway."
"Argh," Marshall growled, "Everyone is so freaking worried about him all the deem time."
"I have a feeling you're not talking about what just happened," Daniel said.
"No, I'm not. Okay you know Samantha right?" Marshall asked.
"Yeah, sure. The red head Darren dated before Sky," Daniel said.
"Well you weren't even at this college, yet, but when Darren came Sam dumped me for him," Marshall said, "I made Sam think it was mutual, you know so we could still be friends and talk."
"Did she tell you that's why she broke up with you?" Daniel asked.
"No but it sure was a coincedence that when he came she dumped me and then like a week later she went out with him," Marshall said.
"So you're holding a grudge?" Daniel asked.
"No not really, most of the time I'm joking, but once in a while I'll think about it," Marshall said, "and get mad. I shouldn't though, they aren't even dating anymore."
Daniel nodded, "Then why don't you go out with her?"
"Because she just doesn't like me like that, and now since Darren and I are friends, she says she wouldn't want to ruin our friendship," Marshall laughed, "How gay is that?"
"Deem that is screwed up," Daniel said.
Marshall turned on his computer, he'd forbidden anyone to touch it. He began to do his assignment for writing class.
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