--->Chic-a Cherry University
Literature I: Savage Garden Fanfiction
Truly, Madly, Deeply
by Cerasi J. - mcgregorchick23@hotmail.com
Disclaimer: I don't own Savage Garden, Darren Hayes, Daniel Jones or any of the band members. This is for entertainment only; no money is being made from this. And if it was, I wouldn't be sitting here talking to you people, I would be on a beach in Hawaii somewhere.
Note to reader: The "cannibal girls" thing is just an inside joke with my best friend and me.
Daniel Jones walked on stage and, as always, his fans went nuts. And, as always, he just smiled and waved, picked up his guitar and plucked the first few notes of The Best Thing.
Darren did the same. Walk on stage, wave at the fans, and start to sing. The band had a pattern that way.
Mentally, Daniel sighed. He needed a break. Savage Garden had been on the road for the last 6 months promoting the Affirmation CD.
Luckily, tonight was the last show. The opening shows and closing ones were always the best. He glanced out at the thousands of people. These L.A. shows always got bigger, and bigger.
Daniel always got such a kick out of reading the signs the fans held. "Marry me Darren!" "Run away with me Daniel!" And his personal favorite, "I came all the way from ______ can I come backstage?"
As the song ended he picked up his other guitar, Ben started off Break Me, Shake Me. He looked out towards the crowd again and this time met eyes with a very beautiful young woman. She didn't look like other women that came to Savage Garden concerts; blonde hair, blue eyes, big breasts. No, this girl was very different. Amber colored hair, deep green eyes and a light dusting of freckles across her cheeks and nose. He had only been looking at her for a second, but it was too late. He wasn't paying attention and missed a note. It was the first time he had ever messed up on stage at a concert. Both Ben and Darren heard the missing note and turned to glare at Daniel for a moment; he shrugged and went back to playing.
He found himself glancing at her once in a while; she was wearing a shirt and baseball cap with the Savage Garden dragon that you can only find on the web site.
His blue eyes returned to his guitar before he missed another note and Darren threw him off the stage, or fed him to the cannibal girls they heard back in Denver. During the next song Daniel's vision again wandered over to the young woman in the third row, this time a man about his own age with brown hair and brown eyes had his arms wrapped around her shoulders, but her crystal green eyes were glued to Darren. He felt a pang of jealousy, Darren was always the one women wanted and screamed at at home and at the shows. But, he had reminded himself time and time again he didn't want the spotlight. That was Darren's job. But maybe once, just once, he wanted to be the one in the spotlight. For a moment he was too busy loathing in self-pity to notice anything at all. Then he looked at his 'beautiful stranger' again only to realized her eyes were on him this time. He flashed her a playful smile. She smiled back and continued to sing along with Darren.
At the end of Hold Me the band took a little break Daniel put down his guitar and grabbed a bottle of water. He drank about half, the looked at the bottle as if he'd never seen one before, looked at the audience with an evil grin, then flung the rest of the bottle on a group of teenagers in the front row. They screamed and laughed with delight. Most of the water had landed on a blonde woman in front, soaking her. She didn't look very happy with Daniel. Darren saw the whole thing, turned the mic back on and said, "Daniel! You got that nice young woman all wet! How rude of you! You should be ashamed of yourself." Darren tossed a towel and a wink at the blonde woman, "Here you go, love."
About twenty teenage girls tried to grab the towel from her, but she fought them off and caught it. She patted her face with it like a powder puff, then with a very snobby attude, watted it up and threw it behind her. Surprisingly, the girl Daniel had been flirting with sprang forward from her boyfriend's embrace and caught the towel. The crowd cheered, (mostly because they had started the next song,) the girl shouted her thanks to the blonde woman. The blonde snubbed her, turned back to the stage and continued to glare at Daniel.
What is her problem? He pondered to himself.
For the next 30 minutes of the concert Daniel and his 'beautiful stranger' met eyes at least a hundred times. He noticed from his place on stage his strangers' boyfriend and the blonde woman (whenever she wasn't glaring at him) made eye contact also. But something about the way they were looking at each other made Daniel wary. They neared the middle of the show where Darren and Daniel pulled out the keyboard and played the slow songs. He finshed up the rest of The Animal Song, set down the guitar, and sat down at the keyboard. Truly, Madly, Deeply was first on the list.
Daniel placed his hands on the keys; his fingers programed to play the song. The lights dimmed, and the crowd went nuts as Darren sat down. Daniel hit the first keys, CG, FG, CG, FG.... "I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be you fantasy, I be your hope I'll be your love be everything that you'll need..."
Some people just stood and cheered, others danced with their boy or girl friends. Daniel's stranger jumped up and pulled her boyfriend along with her.
"I'll love you more with every breath, truly, madly, deeply do..."
She threw her slender arms around him, but he pushed her away.
"I will be strong, I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on a new beginning..."
Her young face fell, with a smirk; he gently pulled the towel out of her hands, turned, and walked towards the blonde woman with open arms.
"A reason for living, a deeper meaning, yeah."
Her green eyes were no longer very bright; they were clouded with tears.
"I wanna stand with you on a mountain, I wanna bathe with you in the sea, I wanna live like this forever, 'till the sky falls down on me...." CG, FG, CG, FG, CG, FG, AEFGCD...
The crowd stopped cheering, Darren stopped singing. Daniel had screwed up again. He'd gotten so mad at that guy for leaving his girlfriend in such a cold-hearted way he had slammed the palms of his hands on the keys. Inwardly, he rolled his eyes at himself. He smiled sweetly at Darren and picked up where he left off, some of the people in the front row were chuckling. His face burned bright red.
Darren rolled his eyes, shook his head and went on singing.
Daniel squeezed his eyes shut, Moron, retard, jerk, idiot...and a few other names raced through his mind as he heard some of the audience members still laughing at him. The young woman was sitting now, tears still streaming down her pale cheeks. She wiped them away, trying to make it look like she was still enjoying the concert a little bit. But, it wasn't working too well. She noticed Daniel watching her and put her head down so all he could see was the top of her black baseball cap.
The blonde woman turned at looked at her, poked her new boyfriend in the ribs, who also turned to look at her, and laughed. Over the noise of the crowd Daniel heard him shout to her, "Get over it!"
She came back with, "Up yours!"
Daniel smiled, it was amazing what you could hear when you were on stage! When the little break with the piano ended, Daniel suddenly reached across the keyboard and grabbed the mic from Darren, "Hey I have an idea!"
"Daniel!" his band mate hissed as he clapped his hand over the mic, "What the hell are you doing?!"
"Closing the show with a bang!" He turned back to the audience; "Do you guys want to hear my idea?"
Cheering was all that could be heard.
"Great! Why don't we invite someone on stage to do a closing song with Darren!"
More cheering. Darren smiled and nodded, a look in his eyes said that he was going to kill Daniel later, "I'll choose," he said as he grabbed the mic back from Daniel.
"No, me." Daniel took the mic back.
"No, me." Darren had it again.
"Let me." Daniel's mic.
"Me." Darren's mic.
"Me." Daniel again. But this time before Darren could grab it back again he said, "How about the young lady that caught Darren's towel?"
The blonde jumped up screaming, "That's me! That's me!"
"No, not you," Daniel said.
"But I caught it!" She protested over the cheering.
"Too bad. I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to...her! Right there, third row with the black hat." She finally looked up a little bit. "Yeah! You!" Her eyes got wide as a bouncer escourted her to the stage.
Darren shook her hand, Daniel followed suit.
"What's your name?" Darren asked.
"Cami," she replied.
"No, Cami. With a 'c.'"
"Ah. Sorry about that Cami, it's kinda loud in here!"
More cheering.
"So, where are you from, Cami?" She grinned, "Santa Monica."
Darren laughed, "A true Savage Garden fan at heart, huh?"
Cami laughed along with him; "Yeah I guess so!"
"Daniel suggested that you sing with us. You want to?"
"Sure. But I'm not that great of a singer..."
"Aw, don't worry about it love, neither am I!"
"Hey maybe Daniel should sing!" Cami said.
Daniel shook his head no. "C'mon!" she protested, "I'll bet you're a good singer."
"If you bet on it, you'd lose," he said.
She laughed again; she had a nice laugh...Daniel thought to himself.
"C'mon," Darren urged her again, "What would you like to sing?"
"Uh...I dunno."
"Well, what's your favorite Savage Garden song?"
"You're gonna make choose?" She said with a smile.
"Yes!" Darren and Daniel said at the same time.
"Well, uh, okay...hmmm.... I dunno, Affirmation I guess..."
"Okay! I'll take the first verse; you take the chorus and the second verse. Daniel, would you do us the honor....?" Darren asked.
"Sure," the blonde guitarist replied.
The crowd went nuts; Daniel smiled and started mouthing the lyrics and head banging to the beat.
"I believe the sun should never set upon an argument..."
Cami looked very unsure about singing on stage with Savage Garden in front of her (ex) boyfriend. Her turn to sing came, "I believe in Karma, what you give is what you get retured..."
Daniel stared gaping at her, she sang like an angel! She sounded almost better that Darren did! Darren must have been thinking the same thing, because when it was his que to sing, he missed the first beat. Darren turned bight red as the house started laughing again, Daniel stood on his part of the stage giggling like a five year old girl at his band mate.
When the song ended, the show was over. The band stood center stage and took a bow, they inclued Cami. She smiled and bowed.
As Cami Zentner was walking to her car, she thought about what had just happened to her. Her life had changed so much in two hours in was unbelievable.
Her boyfriend, Max, of three years had left her, Daniel Jones, one of the world's best guitar players in her mind was flirting with her, and she got to sing with her favorite band Savage Garden! She sighed, pulled off her black baseball cap and ran her fingers through her amber colored hair. It was drizzling out tonight, it was cold and wet but felt really good... What a night, she thought.
"Hey!" someone shouted at her.
She spun around to see who was calling her; her hair hit the side of her face, splashing water into her green eyes. She thought it might be Max, but he was long gone. A tall man wearing a black trench coat with a hood came over to her. Before she could ask what he wanted, he pulled off his hood and grinned at her. It was Daniel.
"Hi," he said.
Her breath caught in her throat, "H-hey."
"Listen," he began, "It's kinda chilly out here, can I buy you a cup of coffee?"
'First this guys is flirting with me, then he asks me up on stage, and now he wants to go out for coffee...how did I get this lucky?!' She smiled, "Sure, I'd love too! We can take my car..."
From the outside of one the tour buses, Darren Hayes watched his friend walk off with Cami to her car. He had heard the whole exchange.
He smiled, he was very happy for Daniel. He shook his head; "Some people do some really crazy things I guess."
As he started to turn back to the warm bus he heard Daniel ask, "Where did you learn to sing like that...?"
The End

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