--->Chic-a Cherry University

Literature I: Savage Garden Fanfiction

Betrayal (continued)

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Darren sipped on his Late. He looked up and across the room sat Sky. What was she doing there? She was supposed to be in a class.
"Sky?" Darren asked walked over to her.
"Oh Darren what are you doing? I thought you had a class right now?" Sky asked.
"I do, but Daniel got us kicked out for the day. What are you doing?" Darren asked.
"I’m um...I’m skipping class. I am so sick of Jessica calling me a goody two shoes..." She trailed off.
"You skipped class to impress Jessica?" Darren asked.
"Well kind of. I don’t want people to think I’m a goody-goody," Sky said.
"What’s wrong with being a goody-goody?" Darren asked, "I am."
"And you get hassled for it too, don’t you?" Sky asked, "Why do you think I joined that sorority? So people wouldn’t think I was a goody-goody is why."
"Sky you can’t go through life trying to impress people who don’t care about you," Darren said.
"Darren I’m sick of it. I’m sick of people saying I’m so freaking perfect I can’t swear," Sky said, "People are going around calling me, ‘Chruch girl’, ‘Perfect Princess’, ‘Brain’, ‘Freak’, ‘Weirdo’, and the list goes on. I’m so...so... sick of it all."
"Sky you can’t listen to them. You’re going to be successful and they won’t be then they’ll wish they had been good and perfect in college too," Darren said.
"Thanks Darren, but that’s not how it works. I work so freaking hard to be perfect and I know I’m just going to end up a secretary for one of those jerks in my business class. Let’s just face it. I’m never going to succeed. My parents did dope in college, drank, partied, and were just as bad as the other people and look at them now- my dad is a freaking lawyer, and my mom is a house wife, she doesn’t even have to work. Now lets look at the hard workers. My grandparents worked hard, never missed a day, perfect grades, now they are living in a trailor park, struggling to pay the bills. I told you it doesn’t matter what you do," Sky raged.
Sky ran out of the cafe before could say anything else. Darren had never seen her so upset before. He decided to take a visit to her dorm. He guessed that Jessica would be there.
Darren knocked on the door.
"Just a second!" Jessica said looking for an ashtray to put out her cigarette.
"Jessica it’s me, Darren. Open up!" Darren yelled. Jessica opened the door and pulled him inside. She still had the cigarette in her hand.
"What are you doing scaring me like that? S*** you couldv’e been the dean," Jessica said, "What do you want?"
"What the f*** are you doing to my Sky?" Darren asked.
"What?" Jessica said stunned that Darren was cursing.
"What are you doing to Sky? I was just talking to her and she was mad because of you. And what the heck do you think you’re doing taking her to some club getting her liqured up!" Darren shouted.
"Wow," Jessica said, "I’ve never seen this side of you before, Darren."
"Well if you don’t tell me what the h*** you’ve been saying to Sky then you’ll be seeing this side of me all the time," Darren said.
"Fine by me, you’re sexy when you’re mad," Jessica said.
"Argh! Would you just tell me what you told her!" Darren said.
"I don’t know. I’m really enjoying this," Jessica said smiling.
"And put that f***ing cigarette out!" Darren yelled.
"Yes sir," Jessica said putting out the cigarette.
"What did you say to her? She’s really mad," Darren said.
"I don’t know. All I said was she was a goody two shoes, whose never had any, and I said she was a perfectionist with a flaw- she’s not perfect. I also said something like she thinks she’s better than everyone else and she’ll never make it in life. I don’t remember everything else I said. Probably something like she’s so ugly she wouldn’t be able to get a guy to think about screwing her," Jessica said coldly.
"You know what, you’re a b**** and I don’t know why she would ever listen to your trashy self," Darren said, "You need to stop messing with her. If you f*** with her anymore I will make sure you get yours."
Jessica rolled her eyes, "And all this from a nerd? Ha."
Darren walked out of the dorm and slammed the door. A picture fell from the wall and the frame cracked. "S***," Jessica muttered.

Back at Darren’s dorm he was surprised to see Marshall hard at work on a school paper.
"What’s this? Marshall is working on his own paper?" Darren joked when he walked into the room.
"Yea, I’m not paying some kid to type it for me, when I can do it myself. That’s a waste of money," Marshall said.
"A waste of beer money," Daniel laughed.
"That too," Marsahll nodded.
Darren noticed that Daniel wasn’t working as hard as Marshall was. Daniel was sitting at a desk with a radio on and he was taping his pencil to the beat instead of writing. Daniel picked up another pencil and pretended to do a drum solo.
Darren laughed, "You’re never going to get that done."
"Yeah I will," Daniel said, "Where did you go?"
"I went to the cafe, Sky was there, talked to her then I went to talk to Jessica. Do you know what she was saying about Sky?" Darren asked.
"No, but I have a feeling we’re about to find out," Daniel said.
"She was calling Sky all kinds of names and stuff. She was saying all this crap like she was ugly and stupid and thinks she’s too good for anybody. I was so pissed off. Then she had the nerve to say she would never make it in life and she was a perfectionist with a flaw, and..." Darren said.
"Deem, Darren," Marshall yelled, "We get it, crud. Are you going to tell us what Sky said too?"
"Well..." Darren trailed off.
"Darren we get it. Jessica was being a b**** and saying bad stuff about Sky. You went and talked with her," Daniel said.
"I didn’t talk with her. I yelled and cursed at her, there’s not a snowball’s chance in h*** I would ever have a decent conversation with that tramp," Darren said.
"Whoa, Darren," Marshall said, "This is a new you. I’ve never heard you talk so bad about someone, and a girl no less."
"Well I just don’t appreciate people talking about Sky. Oh yeah, Marshall, Sky said she was lit when she gave you her number. She even said she didn’t remember giving you her number," Darren said.
Daniel laughed, "It figures."
Marshall shrugged, "Oh well, she’s taken anyway."
Darren was surprised to hear Marshall say that and not say something degrading about Daniel. Darren turned on his computer and opened his report. He stared at the paper again. The beginning read: William Shakespeare, a great writer, was born on... Darren hadn’t finished the rest.
Marshall saw the paper and laughed, "You sure have a lot done on that report."
"Yeah I know," Darren said, "I just can’t think of what to write next."
Daniel looked at Darren’s report, "You’re doing better than me."
The phone rang and Marshall answered it, "Hello, D.M.D. dorm."
"Hi," The voice was unfamiliar and a girl, "Is this Daniel?"
"Marshall got a mischevious grin on his face, "Yeah I’m him."
"Hey, I’m Joy and I’m having a party this weekend. I just wanted to know did you want to come?" Joy asked.
"Sure where do you stay?" Marshall said then mouthed to Darren to hand him an ink pen.
Darren tossed an ink pen to Marshall and Marshall scribbled down Joy’s address and phone number.
"Thanks a lot," Marshall said.
"No problem, I can’t wait to see you at the party. Oh and don’t bring a date. You can bring some friends though," Joy said.
Marshall laughed, "No problemo, See ya then Babe."
Daniel and Darren were stareing at Marshall waiting for an update.
"What?" Marshall asked.
"Who the frugie was that?" Darren asked, "Why did you did to write something down? Is there some kind of party?"
"Maybe," Marshall said with a grin.
"Marsh, man!" Daniel said, "Tell us. What’s up?"
Marshall didn’t know if it would be safe to tell Daniel that he had posed as Daniel. Marshall laughed to himself. Daniel and Darren were still waiting for an answer.
"Okay this chica, named Joy, is having a party. She wants Daniel to come, don’t bring a date, but bring some friends," Marshall said.
"So you were talking to a chic that wants me and you called her babe?" Daniel asked.
"Well yeah," Marshall said, "I did tell her that I was the all mighty Jones himself."
Darren laughed at Daniel. Daniel got red in the face and was apparently mad.
"I’m gonna kill you, Marthers," Daniel said.
Marshall ran out of the dorm before Daniel could clobber him. Just then Sky, then who was standing at the door about to knock, walked in.
"Hey baby," She said to Darren kissing him on the cheek, "What the freak is going on?"
"Marshall imitated Daniel on the phone," Darren laughed.
"Oh anyway. I’m really sorry I exploded on you early today," Sky apologized.
"No biggie. I know that Jessica tramp was the one getting you so worked up," Darren said.
Sky smiled weakly, "Well, yeah. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. It was my own fault, I shouldn’t try to impress people who don’t care about me like you said."
"Don’t worry, Sky. Everybody does it every now and then," Darren said.
Darren looked at his clock his computer, 1:30. He jumped up and grabbed his Creative Writing Book. He was going to be late. He hurried and shut down ol’Besty, his anicient computer. "I’m late for Creative Writing," Darren said.
Sky looked at the clock," Oh, you won’t be late you got like ten minutes to get there."
"Come on Sky, are you getting a ride to class or what?" Darren said holding the door open.
Sky rolled her eyes, "I don’t know. Don’t I need to get my books and crap?"
"Sky you have Art!" Darren said grabbing her arm.
He dragged her out the dorm and ran to Daniel’s jeep. Daniel was waiting in the car.
"Hayes, you are gonna make us late!" Daniel said, "Why do I even put up with this?"
Darren and Sky climbed into the jeep and Daniel started it up. Dnaiel stopped in front of the Art building and let Sky out. She kissed Darren goodbye and went to class. Darren stared at the car clock. "We’ve got five minutes to get across campus!" Darren said in a panicked voice.
Daniel rolled his eyes, "Cause you were smooching with Sky."
Darren groaned. If he got another tardy in Mr.Beels’ Creative Writing Class he would have to do one too many extra credits to make up the point loss. Daniel was in the same position. Everytime they were tardy, they loss points and any more they would be over their heads in point loss.
Daniel pulled up to the building and searched for an open parking space in the student lot. He found one, shut the car off, and ran into the building. Darren was right behind him. They ran into the class and sat down in their regualar seats, luckily they had just made it. Darren saw Colby and gave her an award winning smile that made her heart skip a beat.
"Hey," Colby said.
Darren motioned for her to sit by him. She stood up and took her books to sit next to Darren.
"I thought you were never gonna come," Colby laughed.
"No I made it," Darren said.
Daniel took out his notebook and his textbook. Mr.Beels came in and told everyone to study while he checked some tests they had taken. Then he gave them a pop quiz. After the pop quiz was over, Darren, Colby, and Daniel all started talking.
"So, how far are you on that paper?" Colby was asking.
Darren and Daniel both looked and each other and laughed. Neither of them were near halfway point.
"I’m almost finished," Colby said.
Darren nodded, "But you’re lucky you got an easier assignment. I had to do William Shakespeare and figure out waht the words mean and you got Edgar Allan Poe."
"Well, me I got Langston Hughes," Daniel said, "He’s not hard to do, but lately I just can’t think straight."
"It’s probably all those beers," Darren laughed.
Colby stared at Darren as he talked with Daniel. She was almost in a trance watching his piercing blue eyes light up every time he made a joke, and how he brushed his jet black hair out of his eyes when he laughed, his hair oh how perfect it was. She wanted to just touch him. She knew she would never get a chance to kiss him or hold his hand or anything else Sky took for granted. Colby knew Darren just thought of her as one of the guys, a pal, a bud, or a good friend.
Daniel waved his hand in front of Colby’s face, "Yo’ Chica, class is over."
"Oh," Colby said giggling nervously.
"Are you getting a ride to your next class?" Daniel asked.
Colby, Darren, and Daniel all got up and headed for the door. "Yeah I gotta go to Calculus," Colby said.
"I know, Darren’s told me many of times you’re in his class," Daniel said with a crooked smile.
Darren gave him a look, Dan better quit with the hints. Darren used to have a crush on Colby, actually he still had feelings for her, but he was with Sky. Daniel would always hint that Darren had a crush on Colby, he said little things like ‘Darren is always talking about you’ and ‘Yeah Darren has mentioned that about you millions of times’.
Daniel started up the jeep and dropped Darren and Colby off. Daniel didn’t have to go to his class so he headed back to the dorms. He saw Sky standing in front of the building. What was she doing there? Her art class lasted a hour and a half and only a hour had passed. Daniel walked up to her with his hands on his hips. "Young lady, what are you doing out of class?" He asked jokingly.
Sky looked up with a weary smile, "Nothin’."
Daniel sat down next to her, "What do ya mean, ‘nothin’?"
"I mean nothin’. But since you’re here I can talk to you," Sky said.
Daniel looked closer at her face, she looked like she had been crying, "Hey what’s wrong?"
"What," Sky said looking at the ground, "What are you talking about?"
"You look like you been crying or something," Daniel said.
"No I haven’t," Sky lied.
Daniel shrugged, a tear stained face was usually a sign of having been crying.
"You look really good today, Dan," Sky said.
A shocked Dan stared at Sky and finally managed, "Thanks..."
"I mean you’ve always been cute, but you look hot today," Sky continued.
What the frugie is she talking about? Daniel thought.
"You know what Dan, I have been crying," Sky said, "Nothing matters to me anymore and I don’t know why. I am losing my whole identity because I want to impress someone, but it feels good to be bad. And another thing I think, okay so I know, I have a huge crush on you. It’s really too bad too, cause I don’t want to break up with Darren over it."
Daniel sat and stared in awe. What was she saying? She couldn’t like him! She was with Darren! Who the frugie is this schizophrenic girl? Sky’s never acted like this before! Darren’ll have my head if he finds out about this whobla.
Sky glanced at Daniel. He was just stareing out into the front yard of the dorms.
Sky knew he might react like that.
"Daniel, are you going to give me a reaction?" Sky asked touching his hand.
Daniel jumped when she touched his hand, "Okay...um, look. I like you and all, but not like that. I mean you’re a beautiful girl, but one of my best friend’s is going out with you and I’m not even gonna do anything to make him mad at me. Sorry Sky."
Sky sighed, "Daniel you are such a wimp. So would you get with me if I hadn’t been going out with Darren?"
"Maybe. I don’t know," Daniel said, "Cause you are going out with him."
"I knew you would tell me that. I don’t even know why I brought it up. I knew you wouldn’t like me, anyway," Sky said, "I’m too goody-goody, aren’t I? Jessica said no guy would ever like me beyond Darren because I’m a little perfect princess. And the only reason Darren is going out with me is because his is a perfectionist too. I knew it."
Daniel was confused, "So what is this some kind of frugin’ test?"
"No. I really do like you," Sky said, "a lot."
Daniel was back to feeling uncomfortable agian. Daniel wanted to know why didn’t he just kiss her now? Usually if a girl as pretty as Sky said she liked him a lot he would kiss her and they’d go out, even if it was someone else’s girl. Daniel scratched his head, I can’t believe I’m that good of friends with Darren and didn’t realize it. Weird, I’ve never been really close friends with any guys, except my brothers and Marshall.
"Daniel," Sky said waving her hand in his face, "Earth to Dan."
"Oh sorry I was just thinking about something," Daniel said.
"That’s okay with me," Sky said standing up, "Well I’m gonna go now, okay?"
"Alright, see ya later," Daniel said.
Before Daniel knew what was happening Sky bent down and kissed him right on the lips. He couldn’ve sworn he saw sparks fly between their lips. Why didn’t he pull back? Sky and Daniel both felt electricity shooting through their bodies. Sky didn’t think the kiss would be that intense, but she had to take a chance. She stood back up and walked away in shock of what she did and how good if felt to do it.
"Why didn’t I protest?" Daniel thought aloud as Sky walked away, Because you liked it, idiot. You’re gonna cause a scandal. Daniel stood up, a little bit shaky from what he did. He went to the cafe inside the dorms and ordered a mocha late. He stirred his coffee at least one hundred times when he heard...
"Hey loser," It was Marshall.
"Oh hey Marsh," Daniel said, "Don’t you have a class right now?"
"Yeah, but I got kicked out," Marshall said, "What about you? I thought you had that Mrs. Kiffy lady."
"I do, but class was canceled," Daniel said.
Daniel starred out the window as Marshall told him why he was kicked out of class.
"Dan, hey, you aren’t listening to me," Marshall said, "What’s wrong with you?"
"Nothing," Daniel said, "I’m perfectly fine."
"I know something is wrong," Marshall said, "Now just tell me."
"Alright, but you can’t go and tell Major," Daniel said, "Sky and me just kissed."
"Whoa," Marshall said, "That info can kill."
"I know, and the worst part is I didn’t tell her to stop. It felt great to kiss her, but I don’t wanna do that to Darren," Daniel said.
"You don’t want to?" Marshall asked, "Dan, if you don’t take Sky from Darren, then that just means you’re getting soft and who will I look up to once you are soft?"
"You look up to me?" Daniel asked geuinely surprised.
"Well yeah, you’re like my brother," Marshall said.
"Thanks," Daniel smiled. That was one of the best compliments Daniel could receive, from his best friend and virtually only competition on campus. (Author opinion: Besides Darren of course)
"We had our moment so come on, let’s go have our beer," Marshall said.
Daniel stood up and walked to the door with Marshall standing right there was Sky and Jessica. Daniel knew who Jessica was because he had actually dated her.
"Daniel," Jessica said walking in.
"Oh hi," Daniel said.
"Hey," Sky said.
"So are you doing anything this weekend?" Jessica asked in a sweet voice.
"Well yeah, actually I’m going to a party," Daniel said.
"Oh too bad. Hey I heard you and Sky were making out," Jessica said.
"What?" Daniel said looking at Sky.
Sky smiled, much too sweetly. Marshall felt a scandal coming on. If Darren could only see this now.
"What the frugie did you tell her?" Daniel asked.
"Nothing I just told her that I finally got to kiss you," Sky said.
Marshall frowned and pressed his hand to his forehead, "Dear Lord..."
"Why?" Daniel asked, "Are you nuts? I don’t want anybody to know about this chicanery going down! I can’t believe you Sky!"
Sky just smiled, "Well does this mean I’m not a goody two shoes anymore?"
"Duh! It means you’re a h**!" Marshall said, "What kind of person goes around crying then kiss somebody and then tells everyone? I’ll tell you what kind of person does that, a skanky h**."
"Thank you Marsh, I can speak for myself," Daniel said, "But it does make you a frugie."
Jessica laughed, "What the devil is a frugie?"
"You’re a frugie!" Daniel and Marshall both yelled.
Marshall laughed at Jessica as she stuck her nose in the air, and switched away. Sky shook her head, "You are such a loser, Dan. I thought you would be more supportive of my transition."
"Transition?" Daniel asked, "What the frugie are you talking about?"
Sky sucked her teeth, "My transition from goody two shoes to bad girl."
"Whatever," Daniel said, "This is no frugie contest! Goodbye Sky, I have to go pick up your boyfriend."
Daniel and Marshall walked away and went to Daniel’s shiny red jeep. They got in and drove to Calculus. Darren and Colby were sitting on the steps of the building talking when Daniel and Marshall pulled up.
"Hey!" Darren said waving to Daniel and Marshall.
Darn, Colby thought, I thought I would get to talk to him forever.
Darren and Colby got into the jeep with Marshall and Daniel. Marshall glanced at Colby, checking her out. Darren noticed and frowned. "Hey Marshall stop letting your eyes wander," Darren said.
"What?" Marshall asked, "What are you talking about?"
"I saw that," Darren said, "Don’t play dumb with me. Oh wait you are."
Marshall would have made a smart come back to that, but he had some information that could kill Darren. Colby and Daniel just shrugged. They had no idea what Darren and Marshall were talking about. Marshall turned around and started to talk to Colby.
"So, Colby," Marshall began, "What are you doing this weekend?"
"I don’t know. I’ll probably just finish that English paper, why?" Colby asked.
"I was going to this party and wanted to know if you wanted to come with me?" Marshall asked, "You know, be my date?"
Daniel and Darren both gave Marshall a funny look. Marshall never said he liked Colby. He was never into smart girls, only the ones who went to clubs every other night.
"I don’t know, maybe," Colby said, "Depends on where it is."
"It’s at this girl named Joy’s house," Marshall said, "She has this apartment off campus, but it’s not far. Daniel is going and Darren got invited, but I don’t know if he’s going."
Colby looked at Darren, "Are you going?"
"I don’t know," Darren said, "I really have to finish my English paper."
Daniel rolled his eyes, "That’s just like you, Major."
"What?" Darren asked.
"That paper ain’t due til Thursday," Daniel said.
"So," Darren said, "And I’m no where near finished."
Daniel shrugged. Daniel didn’t have his paper done either, but could care less. School wasn’t his idea of fun anyway.
"Oh come on Major," Marshall said, "It’ll be fun. You haven’t left the dorm in weeks."
"I have so," Darren said, "There was um...and that one time I uh..." Darren realized, unfortunely, Marshall was right.
"Okay, I’ll go," Darren said.
Marshall grinned, "It’s about time you did somethin’ fun. What about you Colby? Will you go with me?"
"I guess I can go, I’m almost done with my paper," Colby said.
"Cool," Marshall said with a smile.
"Oh Marshall finally got a date," Daniel joked.
"Ha-Ha," Marshall said turning around and punching Daniel’s shoulder.
Colby, Daniel and Marshall all were laughing, but Darren was off in his own little world. Why the freak did he just ask her out? Darren thought, That fag just wants to make me mad. He’d better not pull anything at that party or...
"Major whipped," Daniel said bringing Darren back to reality, "We’re at the dorms."
Darren got out of the jeep and strecthed, "Man, I’m tired."
"Yeah, Daniel does that a lot," Marshall laughed.
"Deem you little perv," Darren said, "That’s all you think about."
Colby laughed at them. Marshall and Darren’s on-going arguing was entertaining. "What’s all I think about?" Marshall asked with a grin.
"You know," Darren said.
"No tell me," Marshall said, "I bet you’ve never said the word in your life."
"What word?" Daniel asked.
Colby laughed, "The word?"
"The word," Marshall laughed.
"Argh, you all suck," Darren groaned.
Colby laughed, "Why? Cause you can’t say it. At least say the slang version of it."
"Fine Marshall is always thinking about...I can’t say it," Darren laughed at himself, "Okay...He is always thinking about somone banging."
Colby, Marshall and Daniel started laughing all at once. "Banging?" Daniel asked, "Why can’t you say Marshall is always thinking about sex or f***ing sombody?"
Marshall covered Colby’s ears, "Not in front of the girl."
Colby laughed and pushed his hands off her ears, "Quit it, Marshall."
They walked into the dorms.
"Um, Darren," Colby said, "I gotta talk to you."
"Okay," Darren said.
Daniel and Marshall said bye to Colby and headed to their dorm. Darren followed Colby back to hers. He wondered what she wanted. They got to the dorm and Colby opened the door.
"Hello?" Colby asked, "Anybody here? Jim? Krissy? Mike? Nope no one is here."
"You have guy roomies too?" Darren asked.
"Yeah," Colby said, "I thought I told you that?"
"No, never mentioned it once. You said something about Krissy though," Darren said, "So what did you have to talk to me about?"
"Um...I uh...had to let you know something. I was going to tell you before but I..." Colby began.
As soon as she was about to say the next few words the phone rang. She jumped when the phone rang. "Just a sec," She ran over to the phone and answered it, "Hello?"
"Hi, is Jim there?" A girl asked.
"No he’s not, can I take a message?" Colby asked.
"Will you tell him that Sky called?" Sky asked.
"Did you say Sky?" Colby asked.
"Yeah," Sky said, "Tell him to call me back as soon as he gets in."
"Okay, no problem, I’ll tell..." Colby said.
Darren didn’t let her finish the sentence. He grabbed the phone out of her hands. He only knew of one Sky on the whole campus.
"Hello?" Darren asked, "Sky?"
"Oh...Hi Darren," Sky said, "What are you doing over there?"
"What are you doing calling over here?" Darren asked.
"What? I uh...I gotta go," Sky said and hung the phone up.
Darren slammed the reciever down and began to leave. "Can you just tell me about whatever you had to tell me later?" Darren asked Colby, "I have to go."
"Sure, no problem. I’ll call you later," Colby sighed.
Darren ran out the door and kept running to Sky’s dorm. He had to talk to her. This was not good. She wasn’t lit this time. Sky was sitting in her dorm living room next to the phone. She was preparing herself for Darren’s visit. She stood up and went to the door. She opened it and looked out to see Darren walking down the hall.
"Sky?" Darren said when he saw her, "What the f*** is going on? And don’t give me any crappy line."
"Darren he’s just a friend," Sky said, "Why do you call Colby?"
"I don’t keep it secret from you. At least you’ve met her," Darren said, "I don’t even know who Jim is."
"Well Darren excuse me for having guy friends," Sky said.
"F***,Sky don’t try to make me feel like I’m in the wrong here, you’re the one..." Darren began.
Sky cut him off, "You’re the one running down here to yell at me for calling a guy. Darren you need to stop being so jealous and posessive. God, if I want to call a guy then I will. You can’t tell me what to do. Now go I don’t want to talk about this anymore."
Darren stood there with his fist balled up, "Fine, Sky."
Darren walked off and headed back to his dorm to let off some steam. Sky watched as he left and breathed a sigh of relief. She knew he was still going to be mad later. She didn’t know what to do next. If Darren found out anything else, like her kiss with Daniel, then she’d be freaking out.
Darren burst into his dorm room and slammed the door. Daniel and Marshall were sitting in the living room watching the small television. They were watching sports, on one of the five channels they could get.
"So, what did Colby have to say?" Daniel asked.
"None of your business," Darren went to the room they all slept in.
He got out his notebook and started to write:
I am so mad! Okay here’s the deal. I went to Colbs dorm cuz she had to tell me something. She never got around to it, cuz the phone rang. It was for her guy roomie named Jim, he wasn’t there so she said ‘can I take a message’ next thing I hear is ‘Sky? Okay I’ll tell him’ So I grab the phone and say hello. Sky’s all ‘Oh um...hi Darren.’ I wanted to just reach threw that phone and smack her. Then she said she had to go or something. So I went to her dorm, immediatly, if I didn’t know what was up I would die. We got into a fight. She told me all this crap about how he’s just a friend and I’m possive and I have girl’s for friends. Then she tells me to get lost (Not in those exact words). That’s the whole story. Later Darren
Darren quickly put the notebook in his mattress, if Marshall or Daniel read that entry they would never let it go. As soon as Darren put his notebook in the mattress Daniel and Marshall walked in.
"Whats wrong, Major?" Marshall asked.
"Nothing," Darren said mad, "And stop calling me that."
"Sorry," Marshall said, "Are you sure nothing is wrong? You seem really upset."
"I’m sure nothing’s wrong with me," Darren said getting up.
Darren left the dorm and slammed the door the same way he had when he came in.
"Something’s wrong with him," Daniel said.
"Well he’s not gonna tell us," Marshall said.
"I wonder if he found out that me and Sky kissed?" Daniel asked.
"We could find his notebook and read that. I’m sure he was just writing in it," Marshall suggested.
"Yeah, but that would be like snooping. Let’s just wait ‘til he tells us," Daniel said, "Come on the game must be back on now."

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