--->Chic-a Cherry University
Literature I: Savage Garden Fanfiction
Betrayal (continued)
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Colby was walking around the campus when she saw Darren walking really fast and he looked mad. He was walking the other way. She stopped walking until he caught up with her.
"Darren, hey," Colby said with a smile.
"Hi, Colby," Darren said coldly.
"What’s wrong, Darren?" Colby asked.
"Why the f*** is everyone asking me that? I’m fine okay?" Darren said irratated.
"Sorry," Colby said looking at the ground, "Can I walk with you?"
"I don’t care," Darren said.
They walked around in silence until Colby remembered she never told him what she was going to back in the dorm room. "Oh yeah Darren," Colby said, "Remember I had to tell you something?"
"Yeah, tell me now then," Darren said.
"I um... well it’s like this," Colby said, "I like you."
"So?" Darren asked, "I like you too, what’s the big deal?"
"No, I like you, like I have feelings for you," Colby said.
Darren stopped dead in his tracks, "Then why are you going out with Marshall Saturday?"
"Because you said you were going and I figured you would be going with Sky so at least I would see you there," Colby said.
Darren tried to think positively, that was his best quality, "Well this is a shock and that helped a lot."
"Really?" Colby asked, "So it didn’t bother you at all?"
"No way," Darren said, "I like you too, like I said."
Colby smiled, then her smile turned into a frown. He was going out with Sky, she had no chance with Darren unless him and his significant one broke up, which was highly doubtful.
"So," Colby said, "Will you please tell me what’s up with you and why you’re so mad?"
"Fine. Me and Sky just got into an argument cuz she was calling that guy Jim. Then she got all attitude with me and said 'you don’t control me' and I was posessive. So I’m pretty mad at her. I guess I’ll just have to talk to her later today. Maybe Jim really is just a friend," Darren said explaining his situation.
"I don’t know Darren," Colby said, "Jim doesn’t have very many girl’s as just friends. Me and Krissy are his friends, but Krissy has went out with him at least three times."
"Thanks," Darren said, "That helped a lot."
"Sorry I mean maybe she is just a friend. I am and so is Krissy," Colby said.
Darren smiled and said semi-sarcastically, "Thanks, Colby."
He laughed. Colby had just turned that sentence around. She could be just as upbeat as he. That was amusing to Darren. He didn’t know many people that could make a bad thing good the way he did, besides his mom, Sky and now Colby. Darren sighed. Maybe everything would be okay with Sky. He found the silver lining in the gray cloud, and held on tight. Darren tried his hardest to be optimistic.
Then Jessica came running by. Jessica waved then backed up to talk to him.
"Hey, Darren guess what?" Jessica said with a grin.
"What Jessica?" Darren asked coldly.
"Your best buddy, Daniel, and your sweet Angel girl, Sky were kissing," Jessica said.
Darren felt his stomach drop and the blood in his fingertips drained. He stood shocked as Jessica put her head-phones on, blew him a kiss, and ran off. Colby was just as shocked as Darren. She wondered what he would do. She never had seen him mad before the argument with Sky. Darren ran back to the dorm building and Colby followed him. He went into his and yelled for Daniel.
"Daniel!" Darren screeched, "Where the f*** are you?"
Daniel ran out into the living room that was combined with the mini-kitchen.
"What? What’s wrong?" Daniel asked.
"I’m gonna kill you," Darren said, "I can’t believe you would ever do that to me. How could you go and...ohh!"
Darren ran at Daniel, but Daniel quickly moved. Darren ran into the couch. He turned around and started at Daniel again, but Marshall grabbed him.
"What the h*** is going on?" Marshall asked struggling to hold Darren back.
"I have no clue," Daniel said.
"Jessica just told him you were kissing Sky," Colby said.
"Let me go, Marshall," Darren said, wiggling around.
"Are you gonna pound Daniel?" Marshall asked.
"If I can get close enough," Darren said.
"Look Darren, Jessica was obviously lying. That girl is a liar and she doesn’t like Sky, cuz she’s cool, and she don’t like you, cuz you go out with Sky," Daniel said, "She’s just jealous and said that to make you mad and get me in trouble."
Darren sighed, "Let go of me Marshall. I’m not gonna hit anybody."
Marshall reluctantly let go of Darren.
Darren sighed and walked out the room with Colby, "This day sucks."
Daniel sighed relieved and surprised that he could lie so well, he should have won the Emmy for that performance.
"Man," Marshall said, "That was close."
"Yeah, and did you see my great performance? I’d like to thank all the little people, Sky for causing the scandal, Jessica for delivering the message and Marshall for holding the Major back," Daniel said, "Last but not least, I want to thank the victim in all of this-Darren Stanley Hayes. Also known as The Major, which stands for Major Whipped or Majorly Whipped."
Marshall laughed and so did Daniel, but not long, because if Darren found out it wouldn’t be funny. There really would be a scandal. That chicanery would be explosive.
Darren and Colby sat in Colby’s dorm talking. Darren was too mad to go to his. They tried watching television, but the only thing interesting on was the news. Darren yawned. He checked the time it was only seven o ‘clock and he was pooped. Someone opened the door and walked in, "Hey Colby."
"Hi Jim," Colby said.
Darren looked up and groaned. This was the guy Sky was calling? The guy was at least taller than Darren by a foot or two, he was latin, had thick dark black hair that was cut short, and he had big brown eyes. He was a definate latin lover. Darren had much competition.
Jim looked at Darren, "I’m Jim."
"Darren," Darren said.
"Nice to meet you," Jim said sticking out a hand.
Darren yawned, "Yeah whatever."
Darren stood up and took Colby by the hand, "Let’s go before Jimbo here tries to take you from me too."
Darren dragged Colby out of the room and into the hall. "What was that about?" Colby asked. "Nothing," Darren said, "I just don’t like that Jim charecter."
"Darren you don’t even know him," Colby said putting her hand on her hip, and stopping in the hall. Darren put his arm around Colby’s shoulder, "I know his name and that’s enough."
They continued down the hall, Darren stopped at the bulletion board, "Hey look at this they are having some openings in the choir. Maybe I should try that, it would get my mind off of Sky."
"Yeah," Colby said, "That could work. I could go out for it too. Then it’d be more fun."
"Cool," Darren said signing his and Colby’s names on the list and putting their numbers on it. Darren and Colby walked down the hall for a while then they turned and headed back to their seperate dorms. Darren stood in front of Colby’s dorm, "Well, I guess see I’ll you later, Colby."
"Alright," Colby said going in, "Later, Darren."
Darren waved as she closed the door and walked to his dorm room. He wondered why he didn’t get an off campus apartment the dorms were suffacating. Then he remembered about his cash flow- there wasn’t one.
Darren opened the door to the mini-apartment and went in. Marshall and Daniel sat in living room eating junk food. Darren rolled his eyes, "You guys are like kids."
"What?" Daniel asked, with his mouth full of gummi bears.
"Nothing," Darren laughed.
He sat down on the couch between Daniel and Marshall. They were watching a movie. Darren was surprised. "Isn’t there a game on right now?" Darren asked, "Some big basketball game? Like Bulls versus um...who was it?"
Marshall almost choked on his gummi bears, "Bulls versus Lakers!"
Daniel switched the channel and Darren was right the game was on. Marshall sat cursing. "Man we missed the first quater," Marshall said mad.
"Deem Darren you could’ve told us a while ago, you frugie," Daniel complained.
"Sorry I was out," Darren said getting up and going to his room.
"Attitude?" Marshall said.
"No just sick of you two," Darren snapped.
Darren slammed the door. Marshall looked at Daniel and Daniel just looked at him really confused.
"What?" Daniel asked with a mouth full of gummi bears.
"We’ve gotta read that journal of his. Something is really p***ing him off and I want to know," Marshall said.
"What? Really you’re concerned about the major?" Daniel asked.
"Maybe," Marshall said, "I don’t want it to be something I did."
"Well isn’t that sweet," Daniel laughed.
"Ha Ha," Marshall said, "You’re the one who kissed his girl."
"Shut-up," Daniel punched Marshall.
Marshall grabbed his shoulder in pain. He deserved that punch, but didn’t expect it to hurt so much.
"Sorry," Marshall said rubbing his arm.
Darren pulled out his notebook and started writing:
Okay you know how I said that Sky was calling for Jim at Colbs place? Well get this Jessica (Sky’s b****y roomie) says that Sky and Daniel were kissing. Daniel was acting totally clueless when I...uh...confronted him about it. Anyway then the thing that Colby had to tell me was just breathtaking. She said she liked me. No I mean she likes me, the way I like her. So that is just craziness. I mean all this time Colby liked me, when I liked her. Of all people-COLBY likes me! Would you believe that one. Colby Taylor, the girl I’ve been after since we met! Well I’m still mad at Daniel because I don’t believe I am getting the full truth about this whole sitituation. And Marshall has been really been messing with me, I am so sick of him and Daniel teasing me about stupid s***. If they keep it up there is going to be h*** to pay. I’m serious about that. Later Darren Hayes
Darren put up his notebook and decided to take a nap, he’d had a rough day, and with his luck, it would get even more rough.
Darren woke up to a knock on his door.
"Yeah," He yawned.
Daniel and Marshall walked in. They looked like they wanted something.
"Why’d you guys knock on the door?" Darren asked, "You never knock on the door."
"Uh...well we figured we could start," Daniel said.
"Are you alright?" Marshall asked.
"What?" Darren asked, "Are you actually asking me if I’m alright?"
"Yeah and don’t get used to it," Marshall said.
"Darren you’ve been acting pretty strange lately so we just wanted to know if you and Sky are like having problems or something?" Daniel said.
"Maybe," Darren said, "But the guys on campus know more about Sky’s love life than I do."
Marshall bite his lip, "That sucks."
"Of course it sucks, my girlfriend is probably cheating on me right now," Darren said, "And you know what, I wouldn’t even dump her. I’d wait until she dumped me. What’s wrong with me?"
Daniel shook his head, "Maybe you just like her a lot."
"Like her? I love her Daniel," Darren said, "That’s why I’m so forgiving to her. I forgive Sky every time she does something wrong and it’s making me sick."
Marshall nodded, "Well then if you are sick of doing that then you’ll just have to..."
"I’m not dumping her, Marshall!" Darren said, "You just want me to dump her so that Daniel can have her and you can have Colby, but it’s not gonna happen. I’m not letting the both of you take both of my women."
Daniel was surprised, Darren has totally lost his mind.
Darren looked at his watch and sighed, "I would storm out of the room if you two hadn’t let me sleep til midnight."
"Storm out then," Daniel said, "Me and Marsh are going out."
"But it’s only Tuesday!" Darren yelled.
"Technically it’s Wednsday," Marshall grinned, tapping on his wrist-watch, "It’s Midnight."
"Hump day," Daniel laughed.
"You two are a mess," Darren shook his head.
Daniel and Marshall left the room. They walked out into the hall way and started talking.
"Man, I’m really worried about Major," Marshall said.
Marshall never really worried about anyone but himself and maybe Daniel, on occasion. He never thought he wouldn’t even care if Darren was feeling bad, but he did. "When did I become his friend?" Marshall asked shaking his head.
Daniel shurgged, "I’ve been asking myself that for a while too. When did I, cool Dan, become friends with a geek?"
Marshall laughed lightly, "Well, I guess you really don’t realize who’s your friends for a while, cuz I swore that I hated Darren."
Daniel nodded. He and Marshall walked down the hall a little farther in silence, before seeing Jessica right in front of them. Jessica looked as if she was ready to go partying, Daniel didn’t want her to see him. He turned down a corner and dragged Marshall with him. Marshall stared at him when they were both pressed up agaisnt a wall.
"What the hell are you doing?" Marshall hissed.
"Shhh....It’s Jessica," Daniel said.
Marshall looked back out in the hall. He saw Jessica get onto the elevator. Daniel was trying to avoid Jessica, Marshall just thought he was going crazy for a minute there.
"She’s gone," Marshall said trying not to laugh.
"What’s so funny?" Daniel asked Marshall.
"I thought you were trippin’," Marshall laughed.
"Not funny," Daniel said.
Daniel and Marshall went back in the hall way and continued. They walked on down the hall and reached the stairs.
"Man why can’t we take the elevator?" Marshall complained.
"Marsh, I already told you I hate elevators," Daniel said as they descended the narrow steps.
"You are AFRAID of elevators," Marshall said rolling his eyes.
"I am not," Daniel said, "I just don’t like them."
Sky was racing towards the elevator, but the doors closed. Sky caught a glimpse at of who was on the elevator. It was Jessica. Sky walked towards the hardly ever used stairs. Sky was walking down the stairs and swore she heard two guys arguing. She sped up to see who it was.
"You are a chicken," One boy laughed.
"I am not," The other said, "You better shut up or I’ll knock your arse down these stairs."
The second one sounded like Daniel. Sky hurried around the turning staircase and saw Daniel and Marshall standing on the stairs aruging.
"I’d like to see you try," Marshall said.
"Don’t push me, Marshall. You are really trying my nerves," Daniel said.
"You’re skinny a** you couldn’t push me down if your life depended on it," Marshall teased standing up straight.
"Shut up, you have to stand on your tip-toes so that you can be eye to eye with me," Daniel said.
"You loser," Marshall said, "Afraid of a damn elevator. How pathetic?"
Daniel shoved Marshall. Marshall grabbed Daniel’s arm and steadied himself. He would have fell down a flight of stairs if he hadn’t grabbed Daniel.
"Daniel, man. Are you a f***in’ physco or what?" Marshall yelled, "You could have broken my neck!"
Sky came down to where Daniel and Marshall stood, "And there would have been an eye witness."
Daniel turned and glared at the pretty face before him, "Sky, don’t play with me, I’m not in the mood."
"Not in the mood? Now there’s something I thought I’d never hear you say," Sky giggled touching Daniel’s arm casually.
Daniel jerked away, "I’m serious. Do you people think I say s*** just to be saying it."
Sky sighed and played with Daniel’s hair, "You are so cute when you’re frustrated."
"Damn it Sky get the f*** off me!" Daniel raged, "I don’t feel like having to beat your a** off with a stick okay. S***, all you wanna do is make Darren mad at me. Screw with me and him huh? Mess up our already screwed up friendship."
Daniel rushed past Sky and Marshall and left them on the stairs. Marshall stared after Daniel. Daniel was pissed off. Sky frowned. She watched as Daniel ran down the stairs. Marshall and Sky walked down the steps together, in silence.
Marshall hoped that Daniel would be waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs.
"Daniel! Dan! Yo’ Dan buddy!" Marshall was searching for Daniel.
Marshall looked around for Daniel at the student union and finally gave up. He guessed that Daniel must have split on him.
"Screw him," Marshall thought bitterly, "I’ll just have to find him later."
Daniel walked back in his dorm and flopped down on the bed.
"Hey! Watch what you’re doing!" Darren yelled snatching papers from the bed, before Daniel hit the bed.
"Opps...sorry," Daniel said, "What are you doing up?"
"Trying to get some work done," Darren said shuffling some papers around, "What are you doing up?"
"Oh me and Marshall were going to go out, but uh...I got mad and came back," Daniel said, skipping over why he was mad.
"Well, where’s Marsh?" Darren asked scribbling something down on his paper.
"I don’t know," Daniel said, "I guess he went out without me."
"Wow," Darren said looking up from his work, "You guys must’ve had a big argument."
"Yeah," Daniel nodded.
Daniel stripped down to his boxers and climbed in his bed. He shut his eyes and tried his best to fall asleep.
"How are you going to sleep with these lights on?" Darren asked.
"Well stop working and turn them off," Daniel hissed.
"Fine, just because you look like you could use some rest," Darren put away his papers and got ready for bed.
Darren flicked the light switch off and got into his bed, which was next to Daniel’s and across from Marshall’s. Darren fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, unlike Daniel who twisted and turned for an hour, before he could fall asleep.
"Hey, watch for the lamp," Marshall's voiced hissed.
"Are you sure you should be leaving this late?" A girl's voice asked.
"It's fine," Marshall said, "Now quiet before you wake them up. I just gotta get my coat and we can go."
The girl bumped into the night stand making Daniel wake up.
"What the hell is going on?" Daniel said turning on the light next to his bed.
Marshall groaned and turned around to face the girl, "I told you to be quiet."
"Sorry," The girl said.
"What is going on?" Darren said waking up.
"Crap," Marshall said, "Now they're both awake."
"What are you doing Marshall?" Daniel asked, "You better go to bed before the dean catches you in here with a girl after curfew."
"I was just leaving," Marshall said grabbing his coat, from the back of his computer chair.
"Marsh," Darren said, "You need to go to sleep before you get in trouble..."
Daniel squinted his eyes, "Veronica?"
The girl sighed, "Hi, Dan."
"Good God, just leave already Marshall. Take the wh*** with you," Daniel said.
Marshall rolled his eyes. He took Veronica's hand and left the dorm.
"What was that all about?" Darren asked.
"I went out with that girl the other night," Daniel said.
"Went out with her or shagged her?" Darren asked.
"Both," Daniel sighed, "That girl is a tramp."
"Well why did you..." Darren began.
"Because I can," Daniel snapped, "Goodness, just because I'm not a virgin king like you..."
"Hey I'm not the one who is screwing your girl so you better get a grip," Darren said turing off his lamp, "Good night."
Daniel sighed. He shut his eyes and nodded off to sleep.
The next day Darren decided to confront his girlfriend about everything she had been doing. He didn't know weather he wanted to break it off or not, but he did know that he wanted to know the truth. Darren was changing his clothes when Daniel came in the room.
Darren hurried to pull his pants on and groaned, "Close the door you nimwit!"
Daniel laughed, "Oh sorry."
Daniel shut the door and began pacing the room. Darren put his nasa t-shirt on and went over to the mirror that he'd recently put up.
"I am so glad I thought of putting up this mirror," Darren said brushing his hair.
Daniel shook his head, "You are such a geek. What's up with the NASA shirt?"
"Oh this," Darren said, "It's my lucky shirt."
"So why do you need luck?" Daniel asked.
"I am going to confront Sky about all this stuff she's been doing," Darren said still brushing his hair.
"Oh," Daniel said, and started pacing back and forth again.
"Are you still mad at Marsh?" Darren asked Daniel, as he pulled himself away from the mirror.
"I am even more mad at Marshall," Daniel said.
"More upset with Marshall," Darren corrected him.
"Whatever, I am still pissed so it doesn't matter how I say it," Daniel said, "That chump is really going out with Veronica. I just broke up with her like three weeks ago."
"I thought you broke up with Brooke three weeks ago?" Darren asked.
"No, that was like three days ago, Darren," Daniel said, "I can't believe he would actually do this to me."
"Daniel, you hook up with so many different girls, who can keep count," Darren said, "And why are you so upset, you don't even like this chick. What about Michelle?"
"I...What about Michelle?" Daniel snapped, "Point is he is trying to bang a girl that I've been with. I would never do that to him."
Darren shook his head, "Daniel last week you went out with Melissa Cooper. Marshall dated her three or four months ago."
"So, that was months ago, and he didn't even like her," Daniel said.
"You said you'd never do that to him," Darren said with a grin as he started for the door, "I'll see you later, Daniel. I hope you and Marshall make up cuz it's a really stupid fight."
"What do you know, Major," Daniel said.
"Bye, Daniel," Darren said walking out the door.
Darren was scanning the hallways for his now unperfect girlfriend. He didn't understand why she had changed so much in such a little matter of time. And the worst part of her changing, was that is was for the worst and not for the best. Sky had changed all her ways just because another girl was teasing her. Darren hoped that he could help Sky through whatever it was she was feeling, inadaquacy, inferior, etc. Darren ran into a girl in the hall way.
"Oh sorry," Darren quickly apoligized.
The girl turned around and it was Jessica, "Oh that's okay."
Darren rolled his eyes at the sight of Jessica, with her wild mane, and dancing glittering eyes. If Darren didn't know better he would try to go out with her, but her whole enter persona gave her an ill aura. She was disgusting and irratating and just annoying, once you got to know her.
"So who you lookin' for?" Jessica asked looking Darren up and down.
"I'm looking for Sky," Darren said, "Have you seen her?"
"Hmm..."Jessica said pretending to think, "You may wanna check out this guy named Jim's dorm."
Darren felt sick to his stomach, "Are you sure?"
"No," Jessica said, "Jim's dorm is..oh the same one as the girl friend of your's. What's her name? Kelly?"
"Colby," Darren said, "Excuse me Jessica."
Jessica smiled at Darren, and touched the front of his shirt, "Love your shirt."
Darren pushed pass Jessica and started for Colby's dorm room. Now he had to find Sky, or else he might go mad not knowing what she was doing in Jim's dorm. Darren reached Jim's dorm room and knocked on the door. The tall latino answered the door.
"Hi, can I help you?" Jim asked.
"Have you seen Sky around?" Darren asked.
"Oh yeah she's at the cafe, right now," Jim said.
"Great, thanks," Darren said.
"Hey aren't you that guy..." Jim began to ask.
"Nope, I just have one of those faces," Darren said hurrying back down to his dorm room.
Darren entered his room and saw Daniel laying on the bed. Daniel was half asleep and holding a notebook and a pencil over his head.
"Writer's block?" Darren asked.
"Yeah," Daniel said tossing the paper and pencil aside, "Did you find Sky?"
"Uh...yeah I just gotta go the cafe, but I'm not sure if I want to do this," Darren said.
"Course you do," Daniel said getting out of bed.
"But what if she thinks that I wanna break up with her?" Darren asked.
"Just go," Daniel said handing Darren a ten, "And make it look like you just bumped into her."
Darren nodded, taking the money, "Good idea."
Darren entered the cafe with the ten dollars that Daniel gave him. Darren quickly scanned the cafe and saw Sky sitting in a corner by herself. Darren ordered his milkshake and small slice of pound cake. Darren made his way over to Sky.
"Hey Sky," Darren said, "I was meaning to talk to you."
Sky sighed, "Oh."
"What's wrong?" Darren asked.
"Nothing," Sky said shaking her head, "So what was it that you wanted to talk about?"
"Well...um...I know you're going through some changes right now," Darren said, "And you've been kinda distant lately."
"Point? Darren what's you're point?" Sky asked getting impatient.
"You can talk to me about anything, okay. I don't know what Jessica said to you to make you change, but I'll be here to talk to you," Darren said, "And I'm sorry if I seemed out of linek the other day about that Jim guy."
Sky sighed, "Darren you are so sweet. You don't need to apoligize for anything. I can't believe how perfect you really are."
Darren hoped that he could trust Sky. Maybe she was just having a hard time fitting in. Maybe she'd be her old self again, soon.
"Well I'm glad that we talked," Darren said.
"Yeah, but I...I can't see you anymore," Sky said sadly.
"What?" Darren asked, "I...what did I do wrong?"
"Nothing," Sky said, "I just...I have to get myself back on track. I can't do this to you."
"Sky I'm here for you. You don't have to do this," Darren said becoming hysterical.
"Darren I...cheated on you," Sky said, "a couple of times and you deserve better."
"Wha...no...you were just confused," Darren said, "Why are you pushing me away?"
"Please, Darren. It's over," Sky said standing up, "I'm really sorry."
Darren stood up and hugged Sky, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," Sky said brushing Darren's hair back, "You deserve a lot better."
Sky pulled away. She wiped her eyes and walked out of the cafe. Darren sat down and watched as Sky walked out of the coffee shop. He couldn't believe it was really over, but it was. Darren let his head fall to the table and shut his eyes. Darren felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Darren?" A girl said.
"Colby," Darren said looking up.
Colby was standing over him and looked like a red-haired angel. Maybe Darren wouldn't be sad for too long.
"Hey," Colby smiled, "What's wrong?"
No, maybe Darren would get over Sky very soon. Maybe Marshall and Daniel were right - Relationships are like parties; when one ends you get in the car and move on to the next.
The End

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