--->Chic-a Cherry University
Psychology I: Savage Dreams
from Ginger
I dreamed that I saw a music video for "Mine". It started in darkness and then the camera gets lighter and brings Daniel into focus. He's standing in a desolate field without any vegitation or structures in sight; the whole landscape is just little hills. The whole video is tinted: the sky a golden color, the grass a green that's nearly black, and almost everything else grey. Daniel's wearing solid black and is just standing there playing his guitar, which really stands out against the whole thing because it's not tinted and is a really bright blue. The screen darkens again and then focuses somewhere else; there's a string orchestra there. Again the scene fades out and fades into Darren walking around somewhere else in the field. He's wearing a solid black cape with a hood and his eyes are the same blue as Daniel's guitar. The screen fades out and into a closeup of Darren's face. After staying on Darren for a little while, the camera switches to somewhere else where there are four people playing drums, keyboard, guitar, and bass. Throughout the video the focus changes between Darren, Daniel, the orchestra, and the other instrumentalists. Nothing happens to anyone at first but Darren. Wherever he is first gets a bit windy and then starts raining (it's raining on just Darren for the rest of the video), and he's just walking around in the rain. Later on he passes by a small grass fire that's about half his height (it's still raining too...weird). About midway through the song the people from the orchestra start disappearing a couple at a time...the instruments are in position and moving but there's no one playing them. When everyone from the orchestra had vanished, the instrumentalists began dissapearing, leaving their instruments behind to play theirselves. About 30 seconds from the end, the carmera focuses in on Daniel but he's dissapeared too...leaving his guitar there. At the very end of the song, the camera swiches to a back view of Darren; he's still walking. He turns around to face the camera but all that's left of him is the cape and hood...and then the video ended. Really creepy.
from Ginger
It was the day of the Savage Garden concert in Orlando at the Bob Carr PAC (7/28/98). I was driving around Orlando with someone and we drove by the venue, and a sign said that the concert's time had been changed to right then. So we walk inside, but inside is this small coffee-shop restaurant type thing and Savage Garden is there all right, accepting some sort of award. But nobody knew who they were. After the got the award, they went to sit back down and nothing else happened other than normal coffee shop behavior, so I went over to the table where Daz and Dan were sitting (P.S. Darren had long hair in my dream). We struck up a pretty good conversation that I can remember nothing of, except that Daniel and I were discussing graduation years: that we would have graduated the same year had he finished high school (I don't know where that came from because he is 11 years older than me!).
Anyway, Darren, Daniel, and I chatted a bit until I had to go (??) and I'm back in the car with my unknown driver. About a half an hour later we end up in the store of a gas station, and low and behold, Dan and Daz are there as well. One of them told me to pretend I hadn't met them before, so I asked them a question. Daniel answered me politely, and Darren jokingly answered with his "spoiled popstar" attitude. After this I had to go again (Why????) so once again me and my unknown driver take off and go home.
Later that evening, one of my friends who was coming to the aforementioned concert with me, shows up at my house really dressed up. I couldn't bear to tell her that the concert had been that morning (concert? what concert?), so we got into the car and waited for our driver to join us so we could leave. My friend was talking to me about something or another; I look out the window and all of a sudden my house collapses in like it does in the movies. I screamed, "MY CD!!!!!" (meaning, my autographed Savage Garden cd) and woke up. And my moronic self actually got up and checked to see if my cd was okay!!
from Pearl
I was in this weird concert hall with just about all of my friends, including Ginger. There was going to be a bunch of different groups performing that night, Savage Garden included. The concert hall was two floors with four stages--two on opposite sides, one on top of another. The crowd was in the middle on the bottom floor, so all you had to do to see each stage was turn around or look up.
Anyway, Ginger and I decided we wanted a drink or something, so we leave and begin roaming the empty, white hallways that connected dressing rooms, stages, etc. As we were going down one, I spotted Darren standing in a doorway, squinting his eyes over and over; he was wearing solid white. Ginger kept going, not noticing him (hehehe...not on your life), so I called to her in a half-whisper, "Ginger! Get over here!" She turns around and, noticing Darren, comes over to me. "Are you okay?" I asked Darren, who was still squinting. "My eyes hurt," he whispered. "Everyone kept taking pictures of me." So Ginger and I, like the insane fans we are, asked for his autograph and he gave it to us. We went into the room Darren was in, I suppose a dressing room, which was all white too. We chatted for a bit (still whispering, for whatever reason), and when the two of us turned to go, Darren stopped us. "Psssssssst, wait," he called, and we turned around. Pointing to a white fabric partition behind him, he whispered, "It's... Daniel!" At that moment, Daniel emerged from behind it, wearing a blue shirt and these cool grey pants that were covered with reflector tape. So we talked for a long time, and then left before they had to go onstage.
I don't know, when Pearl told me this, I nearly died laughing at the "It's... Daniel!" part. The two of us thought it was the most hilareous thing, but everyone else I told was like, "Whatever..." So maybe you won't find it was humorous as we did, maybe you will. And the funny thing was... about a week later, SG was doing a live chat and when Darren came in to take Daniel's place, Daniel said, "Look who just walked in. It's... DARREN!"
from Yolis
I had to go to San Franciso and for some reason I had a sudden urge to go to Tower Records...as I walked in looking for a CD I had been looking for to my Surprise at the time I grabbed the Savage Garden New CD.. a man asked, " How come I was buying that CD..as I turned to tell him...Hello it's Savage Garden's new CD... I realized that it wasn't just anyone it was Daniel from Savage Garden...as I stood there very shocked and about to yell and scream...I thought you can't yell and scream and let everyone know in the store he is talking to you...I said because I enjoyed their music. About ten min later my two year old daugther starts screaming mami...mami and I told her yes and to my surprise Darren was standing behind me and he was playing with my daughter...he asked if I was married I told him no..that I was a single mother and that I was preschool teacher...he also told me how cute really...I used to work children back home...I was really surprised to hear that...so as we all four walked out of the store and we had an ice cream at the ice cream shop in the mall and Darren of course asked me to marry him and that he would be my daughter's new father...then my daughter woke me up and no one was there but my daughter and me in bed.
from Jess
Okay, my dream started in this restaurant which only had one table and a small stage. Both were this deep rose color. The whole thing had a weird glow, like from a spotlight. There were dark shadows everywhere else, and I was watching from them. At the table were Darren Hayes and Lestat, the vampire. Lestat wore his violet sunglasses and a deep plum blazer. He had some sort of drink in front of him, but I don't know what it was. Darren simply wore black. They were leaning in towards each other and talking. Lestat says to Darren:
"But, Darren, you just HAVE to become a vampire! I can make you into one right here!"
Then Darren says, "No, Lestat, I can't; Daniel and I have a tour and I can't quit the band...."
He gestures to the stage, where Daniel is in a tux and playing a cello (??) as they talk. There is an electric guitar behind Dan, but he isn't playing it. He seems to be trying to play "To The Moon and Back" on the cello, but it isn't working. Daniel happily hums along anyway and plays this cello for all he's worth while Lestat tries to convince Daz that he MUST become a vampire, but I don't know why it's so important. Then I guess I woke up. Sounds weird, right? It was!
from Meg
In my dream, I walked into SuperTarget. At first everything seemed normal. Then I realised that there were a bunch of celebrities there...just wandering around stupidly. Darren and Daniel were in this glass display case performing 'To The Moon and Back' with the rest of the band. *Darren had long *black* hair...by the way...* They suddenly stopped singing, ran to the glass pane, smashed their faces against it and gnashed their fangs at everyone. This was quite disturbing so I walked away. The rest of the band somehow escaped from the display case and ran away screaming. Oh, then I saw some other famous people handing out Kool-Aid. Some of these people were Cher, Gwen Stefani, Shirley Manson *from Garbage*, and Linn from Ace Of Base. Also some of the Savage Garden band members were handing out Kool-Aid too. The rest of the SG band was screaming 'The vampires are going to get us!!!' Every so often a vampire would attack someone and they would run screaming through the aisles. Then my mom demanded that Dad get her a palm tree. (?!) And then my sister Jess ran up to my dad with the first Savage Garden CD screaming 'Isn't it wonderful?? Isn't it great??' and he grabbed the CD from her and threw it on the ground. Then Jess gasped, picked it up, dusted it off and ran around telling everyone of the HORRIBLE DEED. She kept screaming 'My dad DROPPED a Savage Garden CD!!!!' The CD wasn't hurt at ALL...it was perfectly fine, but she didn't care. By then, Darren & Daniel had broken the glass display case and were draining pastries of their fruit filling along with several other famous people who had become vampires. Then Mom got her palm tree, and then she wanted something else...dunno what...and Dad started complaining, then stomped off to get it. Then Britney Spears showed up and started talking about how WONDERFUL it was to 'meet all the older and more experienced people in the music business here'...*gag* and how much OLDER they were...then Shirley Manson from Garbage bit her. Then someone ELSE bit her...then EVERYONE attacked her. Then she ran out screaming, but there were vampires in the parking lot, too. Um, that's it.
from Michelle
I dreamt i was watching the Savage Garden concert and holding up heart with my hands and screaming and singing along to his voice when he stopped in the middle of the song (cant remember which) and got security to lift me up to the stage where Daz told me he heard me sing and would it if i sang his songs with him. this surprised me because im not the best singer! So anyway, i sang a few songs with him and then as i was about to go back to the audience, he said no and got a chair for me to sit on the stage at the front. After the last song he came and hugged me and told me to follow him backstage when the band led off so i did and Daz met me there and took me to his dressing room. He then told me he would like me to become a backup singer for Savage Garden. I was thrilled and said yes. I dreamt that i sang with him and when we weren't on stage we went mountain climbing and such. the best part...onstage during a concert he dedicated I knew I loved you to me, i was surprised and didnt know what to think. In the middle of the sing though, he came up to me and all the band members followed and formed a semi circle around me and then the whole scene started flaking like paint off a wall and it was black and dark around me. Then i see a door open with a spotlight behind it and i make out Darrens silhouette. He starts dancing to the best thing and then dan walks through the door playing guitar. then it switches to Crash and burn and the lights come on and Daz kneels in front of me and whispers "i love you with all my heart". Then we were by a lake sitting there staring at each other when his face flashed to dans face and then back again and he got up and walked into the water till he was gone and then i woke up.
from Flik
I dreamt that I was working with Savage Garden on the Affirmation world tour, Darren had lost his voice and Leonie was going mad because she had to try and find another singer to take his place. I was in the dressing room doing Daniel's hair for him and chatting to him then I started to sing just as Leonie walked in to announce to Daniel that she hadn't managed to find anyone and the concert was going to be cancelled. She came into the dressing room heard me singing and said that I'd have to do it instead. So I'm rushed through make-up and everything and I get sent on stage dressed in black leather trousers and a red top with a kind of net mesh over the body and the top of my arms. I go out and start to perform the crowd love me and everything's going fine until around half way through the concert I start to forget the words. When it gets to Crash and Burn I can't remember a single word and just as the opening bars start to play I'm about to run off stage when Darren has miraculously got his voice back and he comes on stage and starts to sing Crash and Burn with me he touches me on the shoulder and all of a sudden I remember the words again so we get through the rest of the concert together. Afterwards he tells me how wonderful I am as a singer and would I like to stay on and be part of the band with him and Daniel. Then asks me if I'd like to go out with him sometime I accept his offer and the he leans over to kiss me and just as our lips have met my alarm goes off and wakes me up! (why does this always seem to happen just as the best bits are happening in dreams? I'd like to kill that alarm of mine sometimes especially at times like this!)
from Weeza
Well the first I can remember me and my friend Megan are in a concert hall that looks suspiciously like our school hall...any way we're waiting for Savage Garden to come on and we're crammed up right next to the stage, which, unlike the real hall, is about chest hight for me. We're next to these metal steps that go up onto the stage; surprisingly enough no one isactually going up them. So then Daniel comes on playing a fiddle(?!) and everyone's like "oh my God how do you do that???" and he goes "get one and I'll show you how". So we all go onto the stage and then in through this door at the side where there are loads of the racks like the ones that we put our bags on in Tech. at school, and behind them are some people doing pottery, I think. (don't ask). I don't remember what happens next...but the next thing I can remember is we're sat outside the hall on this muddy gravelly drive thing by the road and I'm chuffed because I've just realised that I'm at a concert and I'm wearing my Savage Garden t-shirt. *When we actually went to see them, I didn't have one, and I didn't have enough money on me to buy one from the stalls*. And that's about all, really...probably a good thing.

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