--->Chic-a Cherry University
Psychology I: Savage Dreams
from Kiki
I won a contest to tour with Savage Garden. Well, I got on the bus as we were about to leave. When we finally did leave I started to get nervous. So I figured to calm my nerves i'd go talk to Anna and their new backup singer Angie Becker. Well they both seemed so nice. Anna had all sorts of funny stories about their first tour. And that she was looking forward to this tour. I was just sitting there. Well it was a few days later and Anna told me she wanted to talk to me. I went into the part of the bus she was in and sat down. She looked me in the eyes and said "You know i'd never lie to you, right?" I said "yea I know, why?" She said "Because it's very important that you believe what i'm about to say." So I asked her what she was talking about. She took out a box that had a bunch of stuff about me I didn't bring with me. I asked her what all that stuff was and how she got it. She said, "I got all this stuff from mom. When I was born, I was given up for adoption cause mom and dad couldn't afford to have a child." I just sat there with a shocked look on my face. "I'm your sister." I couldn't move. After the shock settled in I accepted it. After their tour was over, I immediately moved in with Anna. Although that ended when Angie fixed me and Darren up with the help of Lee, Karl, Ben, and Daniel. The next thing I knew I was taking Angie's place in the band (which made me realize this was a dream cause I can't sing). But other than working with my boyfriend, I hated it cause Lee, Karl, Ben, and Daniel kept tormenting me. One night, Darren, Anna, and me were all alone and me and Anna were sitting down watching t.v., when Anna looked at him and gave him a look like she was thinking, "Do it now Darren." So Darren got down on men knee and then I woke up.
from Kirsty
I sat on the couch next to Ben and he was real nice and sweet. I talked to him about almost everything. Then Dan was swinging on this swing thing (I told u my dream was weird) and I stood in front of him and he jumped off the swing and gave me a hug. I was so worried that I would totally embarass myself in front of Dan (I think Dan is the sexiest guy in the world!) Then i was talking to Elisa about touring with SG etc. Then I went over to Lee who was playing the bag pipes (?!) He told me to be careful of the needles that were coming out of the bagpipes (!?) Then I went over to Karl and talked to him. And all this time I was looking for a camera and when I found one I went outside and walked over to Darren.... AND THEN I WOKE UP!
i woke up shaking and I couldn't get back to sleep and then I wrote my dream down. OK Am I weird or not. The only thing I can make sense of is the looking for a camera. Coz when I met ZED (a NZ band) I didn't have a camera and i wanted to get a photo of me and the ZED guys!
from Jess
I dreamt that Darren Hayes was running against Bono from U2 for President of the United States. Both were in really nice Armani suits and they were on podiums, supposedly having a debate. Daniel was there, standing next to Daz, waving and smiling...he was Darren's campaign manager, and went around sticking signs in the grass that read HAYES FOR PRESIDENT and they had these little pictures of kangaroos on them. The Edge was Bono's campaign manager, and HE was running around with Daniel, sticking up signs that read BONO FOR PRESIDENT and they had little green clovers on them...
So anyway, Bono and Darren weren't REALLY debating...well, not in the conventional way...Bono would say something like "Free money for everyone!" and Darren would start singing "Promises"...'don't go makin all these promises you know you cannot keep'...which was really funny. Then Bono would glare at him and start singing "Beautiful Day"..then he would sing "Still Haven't Found What I'm Lookin' For," and Darren would retaliate with "Affirmation"...this went on for awhile. All these SG and U2 fans were hanging around, taking pictures and I think some of them were journalists, cuz they were scribbling in little notebooks and they had press badges on. Then Leonie pulls up in a black and red convertible, and jumps out in this cool red silk dress. She runs over next to Darren, gives him a kiss on the cheek, and begins waving and smiling and yelling 'I'm the First PA!'...then Daniel grabs a guitar and sits on a bench and starts playing 'The Animal Song' and Darren starts singing that. Then Madonna shows up and everyone said, "Look, it's the First Popstar," and she just hung around with Bono, singing "Beautiful Stranger"...
All in all, it was really a crazy dream, but boy, did they ever look good in those suits!! ;)

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