--->Chic-a Cherry University
Psychology I: Savage Dreams
from Jossie
Well, all dreams are weird and fantastical, so expect the unexpected in this dream. It started at a building and I worked for Darren. I don't know what I was supposed to do, but in this dream, Darren and I were in love. (See! It's clearly a dream!) But the first scene was at this hallway where Darren got me trapped in his arms and he was so close to my face as if he was going to kiss me. And believe me, his lips were as close as you can't imagine, although he hadn't touched me yet. He was talking so low that it was like a whisper...he was saying, "I love you, but...you know...we can't." I was terrified 'cause I thought he was talking about him being married...but later you'll see his "other" reason.
And as always, dreams suddenly change into a whole new environment and into a different situation. So, in this case, we were suddenly at this mansion during nighttime. The house was painted in pink, and it looked weird. I was at the second floor balcony, and then I entered the room. Darren was there, lying on the bed. (Hey! Don't let your mind go too far! You'll see why...) He was looking at me, but he was sweating and his breathing was hard...he was dying.
Then, someone called me from the street. I walked to the balcony again and there was an old man looking up at me from the front gates. He was yelling to me things I couldn't understand. So, I decided not to waste my time on him, and returned to where Darren was. But then, I saw myself lying on the bed instead of Darren!!
But while dreaming, I understood what was happening now. Suddenly our roles changed. So, now I was the one dying helpless in that bed, and Darren was the one who walked through the room. When he approached me, he got very close to me once again, but this time it was because he sank his fangs into my neck. He was a vampire. After leaving me to the point of dead, I was fighting with the little strength left in me. He looked at me and said, "This is another reason why we couldn't make it...my nature, sooner or later, was gonna hurt you...I'm sorry...I really am...but you'll no longer feel the pain of your decease."
Then, he called an ambulence, but he kept saying, "I don't want to be the Marius who 'saved' his loving Pandora from her dying agony. I don't want to take you to this vampire hell. I don't want to make the same mistake." He cried while he talked..."I'm sorry...you know I love you."
Yeah, yeah, it's weird. But it was a dream! The thing is that Darren's a vampire and nobody knows it. That was the reason he had at the beginning of the dream. The thing about Marius and Pandora is about one of Anne Rice's stories, and I was reading it at that time. Maybe that's why the dream had to do with vampires. Also, reading the words "savage garden" so many times in the book linked me unexpectedly to Darren, now that he's another vampire fan.
from Kiki
One day I was in a video store trying to find a video to rent for the weekend so me and my best friend Crystal could have something to do while she stayed all weekend long with me. Well i'm walking around and I run into, I mean literally bumped into, Darren. I stand there and repeatedly tell him how sorry I am and he keeps telling me it's ok. Well the next thing you know, "I Knew I Loved You" comes on the radio they play at the video store. Well Darren and I keep talking and he ends up hanging out with me. Crystal called and said she got grounded for calling her brother a name so she couldn't come that weekend. So it was just me and Darren. My parents were away somewhere. Well Darren and I decided to rent "The Other Sister". When it was over he turned on the radio and a slow song was on. So then he comes over to me and asks if I want to dance. I say yes of course. Then when the song was over, we were at a church. There was a couple at the alter getting married. At first it was hard to tell who it was but as it became more clearer I saw that it was me and Darren. My whole family was there. As was his. At the reception, Crystal caught the bouquet and Daniel caught the garder. After we opened all our presents Darren and the rest of Savage Garden went to the front and Darren sang "I Knew I Loved You" to me. The next thing I know we have 3 kids, one boy (Darren Jr.) and two girls, whose names I don't remember. Then I woke up. Damn.
from Jess
I had a really strange dream about Savage Garden the other night. See, I was at this concert of theirs somewhere and I was in the front row. The stage was all black and glittery with these weird lights that seemed to change colors a lot. Darren was singing and he was wearing this black shirt with more glitter on it and black leather pants. All of a sudden, he turned to Daniel and opened his mouth. Daz was a vampire!! (this probably resulted from The Vampire Lestat, which I was reading @ the time) He came closer and closer to him until he had Dan pinned to the back wall of the stage. Daniel held up his guitar, trying to fend Darren off with it. Then about 5 girls jumped on stage and grouped in a semi-circle around Darren to see what was going on. He turned to them and bit each one on the neck. They flopped to the ground like dominoes. Meanwhile, Dan escaped, leaving his guitar there. Darren turned to it, and I guess he must've been hungry, 'cause he bit the guitar on the neck!!!
Then I turned to my left and saw Daniel standing there, wearing this weird hat. He scrunched down and hissed at me, "Don't let him get me!" and I said, "Okay." Then Darren started singing again like nothing had ever happened. The 5 girls got up and swayed as they walked back off. I heard them bragging in weak voices. They said stuff like, "Oh, wow, Darren Hayes bit ME on the neck. I'm lucky," and their other friends said how jealous they were. (?!)
The weirdest thing about this was that the backup band never seemed to notice or care that Daz was a vampire. They all just kept playing. I looked briefly at the place where the backup singers were supposed to be and there was only one-my sister, Meg, who was dressed up just like Anne Rice! She looked over at me once and grinned. She was a vampire, too! She never sang and I was annoyed with her, but I was the only person who seemed to notice. I think there was another backup singer there, but all she did was bang on this tambourine with this goofy grin on her face.
I woke up before the concert ended and then realized I hadn't gotten their autographs!! Darn!

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