--->Chic-a Cherry University
Psychology I: Savage Dreams
from Averissa
I was babysitting my 3 year old cousin, Stephanie, and she wanted to drive somewhere so I was like, "OK." So we took off down Hwy 50 and as we passed Fort Christmas, Stephanie (who was driving) changed into Ginger. Ginger drove into somewhere that looked like a rundown rest stop and we went inside. It was suddenly a house, and we discovered Daniel inside. So we started talking to him (I forget specifics), and with one thing he said (I forget what) he started giggling like a five year old girl; it was funny. We had this piece of notebook paper with a bunch of SG scribble and stuff. We said that we had to go do something and that we'd be back and Dan was like, "No...you don't have to leave, you can do it here, I promise," and we said, "No, no, we'll be back, we promise." We left and accidentally left the notebook paper. Then we get back to my house and Ginger changes into a friend of mine. We begin an "ohmigoshing" session and then we go and beg my mom to take us back. The three of us load up in the van and head back. Daniel is all like, "Hi! I didn't think you were actually coming back! Hi!" My mom dissapeared and me, my friend, and Daniel all talked for awhile. Then we said our goodbyes and we all hugged. Dan kissed me and my friend goodnight on the cheek :( Later I dreamed of my same friend and I crusing down Hwy 50 but we didn't get to the place where Dan was before I woke up.

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