Hey! I'm Jake, your tour guide! OK, you're looking a little lost there... confused as where to go? It's a very simple thing really:
SavageGardenLoverLand Int'l Airport
Links to different sites in the Savage Garden universe and webrings
SavageGardenLoverLand City Hall
Visit our city hall to sign or read our guestbook, read a message from or email our mayor, or check out awards SGLL has won
SavageGardenLoverLand Museum
Several tours are available and run all day long. And what will you see? The finest Savage Garden pics around... and that's always a good thing!
Mandy's Music Lessons
Learn to play many different Savage Garden songs, including songs from both albums and b-sides. Expanded to include tabulature and more! (And I am proud to say, the largest of its kind online!)
Savage Radio 99.9 FM
This is the place to go for audio and video links... and the list is forever growing!
Cannonball Records
Get all the information on every SG album, single, and video in this discography (and this place IS chock full of info; i.e., chartings, awards, lyrics, stuff you never dreamed possible)
Chic-aCherry University
The perfect place to learn new (or old ones you missed) SG facts, plus bios, quotes, fanfics & dreams (this is the place to go to submit your SG fanfic or dream!)
Santa Monica Shopping Centre
Looking for SG merchandise on the web? You just found the place to go...
Funhouse Video Arcade
This is the place for all you fun-loving SG fans out there! Check out the rockin' Fairy Tale Generator, the "Save Darren from the Aliens" game, add a link to your game to this page, and more
Not lost anymore? Good! Have fun during your stay in SavageGardenLoverLand!

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