Name: Daniel Jones
Nickname: Dan; Waggin; Jonesy
Birthday: July 22, 1973
Birthplace: Essex, England. He moved to Brisbane when he was eight months old--he actually learned to crawl while on the ship!
Star Sign: Cancer
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 180 cm (5' 8 ½")
Shoe Size: 9
Diet: Nothing specific. What’s in his fridge: chocolate
Family: Parents are Chris and John Jones; two older brothers named Jonathan and Oliver
Martial Status: Dating at the moment (thank God for small favors)
Pets: an elderly dog, two golden retrievers ("I think the last time I told someone a name [for a baby], they named their dog that. Hint: Daniel called his dog Jackson." -Darren)
Musical Childhood: His brothers picked up instruments when he was 8, so he taught himself how to play their instruments. He wrote his first melody at age 11
Education: Shailor Park High School (of which he dropped out after completing 10th grade)
Before They Were Rock Stars: He worked for a printer, a supermarket, and was in his band Red Edge (whew!)
Interests: Anything athletic related, especially water sports
Music Influences: Gabriel, Tears For Fears, XTC
Virgin Or Vixen?: "Vixen, for sure."
Worst Habit: "... um, having to much fun. I like indulging in all my bad habits."
Fave Color: pms 300 (a blue color used in printing)
Fave Food: Pasta, chocolate
Fave Music: Sheryl Crow, George Michael, INXS, Alanis Morissette
Fave Cartoons: Mighty Mouse, Pink Panther, Snoopy
Fave Films: When Harry Met Sally (or anything else Meg Ryan's in)
Fave TV shows: Simpsons, Seinfeld
Fave Actors: Meg Ryan, Jack Nicholson
Fave Possessions: His musical instruments
Fave Songs on Albums: "To the Moon and Back", "The Lover After Me"
Say WHAT?!: He spent a night in jail for being "drunk and disorderly." |
