nce upon a time,
there was an orphaned girl named
who lived with her evil stepparent,
in a great forest on the edge of a kingdom.
had been nicknamed Snow White since before she could remember. Her life with her stepparent was miserable; she was only given enough to eat to keep her healthy, and was locked into her empty room most of the time.
was very vain and strutted in front of a magic mirror every morning, chanting, "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who's the most beautiful one of all?" and each time the mirror answered, "You, oh gracious one." But as Snow White grew, she became increasingly beautiful. Finally the mirror could not lie any longer, and had to break it to its owner, "I'm sorry, but... uh...
is the most beautiful one of all."
became enraged and smashed the mirror to pieces, then ordered a servant to take Snow into the woods, kill her, and leave her body there to rot. The poor man took pity on Snow White and simply abandoned her instead.
positively terrified of the turn of events, tried to find her way out of the dense woods to a nearby village. Because night had fallen and she was so disconcerted,
promptly became lost. She wandered until she came upon a cottage in a little clearing in the forest. Her knock went unanswered, and the door was unlocked and ajar, so she entered. Exhausted, Snow fell asleep in one of the seven little unmade beds.
The seven dwarfs who lived in the cottage--
Sparkle, Blake, and Ginger-- came home soon afterward, and were astonished to find
sprawled out in
"Where did she come from?"
asked as the seven stared at the sleeping girl.
"What should we do?"
whined, "I can't sleep when she's in my bed!"
"And I can't sleep when you start whining," Ginger complained.
who was the leader, groaned. "Calm down. It's probably just a peasant girl who got lost in the woods."
added. "It's probably just a peasant girl who got lost in the woods."
"Can't you say something original?" Blake complained."
"But I'm--"
yelled, and
woke up. She apologised profusely for entering their cottage uninvited. "But I have nowhere to go," she said morosely, relating the circumstances of her misfortune to her strange audience.
"I have an idea," Sparkle piped up. "This place is a mess, because we are always working in the mines and never get to clean. If we let you stay, would you fix up the house and keep it up during the day?"
Snow White and the other dwarfs agreed that it was a superb plan, and decided that that is what they would do.
and the dwarfs became very good friends and were very happy with the arrangement. Under Snow's care, the humble abode became spotless.
One day while the dwarfs were at work in a mine, Snow White was strolling in the nearby area of the forest with her furry animal friends, when they suddenly dissapeared into the brush. She heard crashing noises come closer and closer until a horse and rider broke into the clearing, barreling down the path. She had barely enough time to jump out of the way. "Woah!" the young man cried to the horse, pulling the reins until he came to a stop.
who, in her haste had fallen, gasped. She recognised the handsome stranger as Prince
, whose father ruled the neighboring kingdom. Seeing her, he dismounted and offered a hand to help her up. "Pardon me, my lady," he apologised, "I didn't know there would be anyone in this part of the woods, or I would have been more careful of where I was going." They fell in love and after flirting for awhile, Prince
rode off into the distance on his white horse, promising to return in a few days.
Meanwhile, the evil
had bought a new magic mirror at Wal-Mart and was furious to find that the new mirror too responded that
was the most beautiful of all-- and thus was still alive. After gleaning the stepdaughter's location and smashing the new mirror,
cooked up a poisonous apple and transformed into a beggar woman. The now disguised
went to the dwarfs' cottage while the dwarfs were gone at the mine and tricked Snow into eating the apple. Poor
dropped dead and the so-called "beggar woman" took off, cackling shrilly.
When the dwarfs returned to the cottage, they were extremely distraught to find their friend lying motionless on the swept foyer. They placed her in a beautiful crystal coffin, which they put in a little clearing nearby in the forest, that was carpeted with flowers. They mourned her for days.
returned as promised to spot where he had nearly run
over. The sun began to set; he grew impatient, and began to circle the nearby forest paths. By accident, he came to the flower-carpeted space and found Snow White in the coffin. Though dead and cold, she was still beautiful and her cheeks were rosy. Deeply saddened, he lifted the coffin lid. When he kissed her as a final goodbye, she awoke, much to Prince
surprise. They embraced and kissed again ('cause it takes two to tongue tango)... and again... and again... anyway, you get the point. They got married, and all the dwarfs down to little Ginger attended. To top it off, Evil
dissapeared mysteriously...
AND OF COURSE THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!! THIS IS A FAIRY TALE!!! But...whatever is "happily ever after" to you...any of your wildest fantasies...you decide, it's your story.

all fairy tales by me, Ginger
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