--->Funhouse Video Arcade
Save Darren from the Aliens!
Oh no! Aliens from another galaxy have invaded our planet and have decided to abduct Darren!! How can this be happening?! Only you can save him from abduction... The fate of millions of Savage Garden and Darren fans rests in your all-powerful hands!
Here's how it works: Darren is presently suspended halfway between the spaceship and the ground. The head alien will ask you a question about Daz. If you can answer it correctly, Darren will move one step closer to the ground; if answered incorrectly, he moves up towards the spaceship. However, aliens are impatient and you only have 20 questions in which to get him to the ground-- after that, he is immediately sucked into the ship and taken away.
All right... I think I'm ready to go save him!
Wait, I want to review my Darren facts first!
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I do not take credit for the idea of this game. The original once existed at A Fun Savage Garden Page (http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palladium/8623/), however it has long since been taken down and I figured that I would revive it as my own version. I never saw the original; a friend described it to me at the time she had played it... so there are some similarities, but I'd like to think that the versions are very different.

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