--->Linking to SavageGardenLoverLand
You'd like to link your page to my website? First of all, I really appreciate it! Although some of this is redundant, here's the info I give out to everyone, if you need it:
website name: SavageGardenLoverLand (yes, it's spelled EXACTLY like
that, with no spaces)
website address: http://www.savagegardenloverland.com
description: The site for the Savage Garden lover in all of us...
content: Everything, and it's always being updated
I finally made a new banner! If you'd like to use it, the address for it is: https://members.tripod.com/fireinsidetheman/pics/banner.jpg Or you can paste this code on your page:
<a href="http://www.savagegardenloverland.com/">
<img src="https://members.tripod.com/fireinsidetheman/pics/banner.jpg"></a>
Here's what it looks like, for you curious ones:

Thank you again! -Mayor Ginger

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